062.jpg 705x705(60KB) YAOI-9482 views
1087476299777.jpg 559x667(79KB) Random bishie dude-8900 viewsThis is a random bishounen I found in someone's gallery somewhere on here... Ah, but he is a pretty one. He's probably an original character though. Too bad that he shall remain forever nameless in this gallery~ T-T sad, sad way for such a nice bishie to live~
As a sidenote, I'm seeing that either he's really *achem* small, or his pants are really tight. ^^; I'm dirty, yes.
1152427494457.jpg 595x489(70KB) Bishie-Sora-7709 viewsSora is from Kingdom Hearts. He's an adorable little thing, isn't he? He's far too innocent and kind for his own good. He needs to have his mind dirtied a little.
201739.jpg 331x468(30KB) Gackt finger... hee-4851 views
591_2scU5.jpg 368x550(17KB) Hyde 2-6688 viewsMore of Hyde. You wouldn't believe that he's 5'3" when you see him up close. He doesn't look short in any of his videos (but then again, that's because he's always either on a step or wearing platform shoes, but what do we fangirls care? He's a pretty little thing when he sings).
I wish he would smile... I need to find a picture where he's smiling. That would be good.
AdventCloudFanart13.jpg 370x566(158KB) AC Cloud 2-11798 viewsThis is my second upload of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children which is an AWESOME MOVIE by the way. I just had to say that. He's so hot. I LOVE his eyes. And he makes a great little broody uke in the doujins. Ah the doujins~ I live for using those things to scare the crap outta my friends that are guys ^-^b Disturbing mens is fun.
Advent_Children__Cloud_Strife.jpg 350x497(59KB) AC Cloud-7793 viewsA wonderful fanart of Cloud I found on Ferus' deviantart; all credit goes to him and his luverly l33t skillz. No bishounen gallery is complete without the essential three: Cloud, Sephiroth and Vincent~
This guy's from Final Fantasy VII (FF7 for short) if you didn't know. He's the main character. Fuu. I lurves him. :3
Angelic%20Warrior.jpg 299x351(157KB) Another random bishounen-10206 viewsAnother random nameless bishounen, this one looks KIND OF like maybe Sora or Riku from KH? Or Loxas? I dunno. He's pretty though, so I put him here.
Angel_sFeather9.jpg 800x600(65KB) Angel's Feather -YAOI--14398 viewsThis is from a shounen-ai/yaoi game called Angel's Feather. I DID NOT DRAW THIS, NOR DID I DRAW ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS GALLERY, NOR DO I CLAIM RIGHTS TO ANYTHING YOU MAY FIND HERE. Okie? Okie. No assuming. If I drew it i claim it, damnit. I'll make another gallery for my drawings sometime, maybe. But this ain't it.
ay_black.jpg 534x870(98KB) Weiss Kruz-4603 viewsWho could EVER neglect these fine specimens of fanfic-fodder? Weiss Kruz is one of the best shows ever invented as far as bishounen go, and there's FOUR of them. IN THE MAIN CAST. Who could ever want more?
Now, the only problem is, I DON'T KNOW THEIR NAMES. ^^;;; Someone help, please? I need to knooooww~
blackdream.jpg 450x530(65KB) bloooood~ bloody blood~-11186 viewsThere's a lot of... blood... and a pretty man in the middle of it. Very... creepy. But cool! This is the profile picture I use for my friend Jenn's RP character Sekizui, who is a mazoku (see Xelloss album in Slayers section) who controls blood (yosh! blood!). He's a demon. Yay demon. Um. I think I'll stop before I get into detail about how he kills people. o.o;;
By the way... Seki-chan isn't a nice demon. He eeeeviiiil seme.
boys%205.jpg 355x500(42KB) Saiyuki-11457 viewsNow HERE's something you... see everyday. A picture of all four Saiyuki boys. Wewt. They are VERY hot. LOTS of yaoi out there for thems. Yummy.
cbcopy.jpg 348x446(37KB) Tease-12600 viewsJust enough showing of the skin to tease. I'm not entirely sure where I got this. I'm sorry if I stole it from ya, Wayne, but I'm starting to lose track of which I got from your gallery and which are actually mine that I found. Which aren't really mine, I just found them. Anyways. It sure does look like Sonny, though, dun' it? 'Specially the hair. And the eeeyeees~
dark%20angel.jpg 495x500(47KB) Chained Angel-15947 viewsI love this picture; don't ask me why. It's not even that well done, really. And yet, I love it. It LOOKS like something done by CLAMP but I can't quite tell; the eyes seem to pierce into your soul, the wings are exquisitely formed and feathered, the coloring is perfect, but he's poorly shaped.
...And yet I love him. Reasons, anyone? :3
Deathnote.jpg 425x398(50KB) Yays for Death Note yaoi.-82394 viewsMmmkay. Title says it all.
fate_stay_night1.jpg 480x360(52KB) Fate Stay the Night-13602 viewsThis is a guy from a little anime series that never got off the ground called Fate Stay the Night; I've seen it all over this site, but no one has the name of it. After MUCH searching I found it. It's a really well-drawn anime, and it's based on a game called Fate Stay/Night.
...Yeah, that's pretty much all I know about it. The site was in Japanese, for pete's sake!
ff4.jpg 300x439(137KB) Sephiroth and Cloud-10663 viewsI LOVE this fanart. It's got Sephiroth and Cloud, both in the classic FF7 garb. The blood. The blood makes it hot. And so does the prescence of two bishies. In one picture. I think I'm going to melt. *does so*
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