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Wow, over 300 views and not one comment? Well, I really like Ino, but I have to admit, in this picture she really looks like a wh...a whor...I can`t say it!
I hate when ppl dont comment ........ Ino looks pretty in this pic
Deeeeeeeee  u told us u were not going to put your pic up  WOW what changed your mind
 that isnt me .. but I like this pic hehe
gotta be...not room for 2 ppl that cute
awwwwwwww .... thank you SOnny . Why are you so charming
no wonder Wayne fell for you
*Wayne just couldn't resist* he sneeks up behind D...slowly reached for bright purple string...slowly pulls it back...and turns it loose***** YEAOWWWWWWWWWW ... D SCREACHES... "I get you for that you sneaky little runt!" *chases Wayne down dark alley...
WAYNE AM GOING TO GET YOU FOR THAT ................ urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
* d gets closer to a trush can* I wonder .... Wayne came out where ever you are * jumps over trush can and no wayne* not fair and now am covered in garage TT_TT
*Wayne reaches out of trash can and snaps that adorable purple string again* YEAOWWWWWWW...DAT-GUM Wayne you flirting or being naught? * D whines ;; flirting i hope she thinks* she grabs in trash can but no Wayne "Now where he off too?"
WAYNE ...... I'll get you for this .... as soon as I get close ... * D sees wayne standing * you going to pay wayne* runs up to him and pulls his pants down Sonny : Baby D why did you this is  Me: SONNY AM SO SORRY  I thought that you were wayne
I like how this conversation is going
Say D...how about mailing me the words to the PERVE DANCE i really would like to try it right now  but i don't know the words and you made fun of me the last time i tried
♥ U be so COOL...i ♥ U
wait ... you love me ... TT_TT WAYNE I MISSED YOU *hugs* very much TT_TT
AND I MISSED YOU *HUGS* Sonny is sitting here grinning from ear to ear...he just gave me a kiss and told me he knew this is what i needed...hehehe...he just know me to good  my New Mom just poped in and said i need to get so sleep...she so NEET...so i talk to you tomorrow *sends big kiss*
YOU NEED DR .D ............ hehehe
Just miss you *points to comment above* and i do need DR. D more than you know
DR. D is HERE TO SERVE YOU *points at wayne and blows a kiss*
Dr D...  well i do say!
Cause I look hot! Oh yeah! score for Ino! *high five's Hinata who is sitting next to her* Go Ino! YAY!
BOOOOO! down with ino! she belongs in a toxic waste dump where she can die alone. she should always be alone!
her face looks weird, but her body is sexy, and i like that bra and pantie
Shizue's_best_friend your being a HUGE BITCH  !!!if u don`t like Ino then y even look at pictures of her?Ino looks really sexy in this picture
ino just rox
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