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this picture made me laugh the first time i saw it on my computer!
Pics of Sakura gone or make me laugh. XD
She is funny... too obsessed with Sasuke though.
I know she likes sasuke alittle TOO much
sometimes I think sakura is secretly a banshee
Hey ppl!! Sakura looks EVIL in this pic!!
Duh!! But she realy isn't "evil"...Just a drama mama...like dana! (l.i.s.!!!)
to Mrs.Uchiha:Let me gess..."retarded"
mild case of pms
Sorry AnimeScooterpiePrincess, but you have just disgraced EVIL! Orochimaru-sama is EVIL... You see, EVIL is pure evilness with a touch of pure hotness! Sakura can look evil but NOT EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...mkay anyway Sakura has too many weird emotions like that... She gets all crazy gawd no wonder Sasuke doesnt like her
I know and that's a good thing
Sakura must have seen a mirror. Or maybe a body of water with her reflection?
lol problely
She's like a dork! Oh, wait... she IS a dork
This girl does the most scariest, funniest and yet weirdest expressions i have EVER seen in Anime history....... and i LIKE HER LOL GOOOO SAKURA
i know its terrible isnt it people can become so damn obsessive
hey not all people are obessive
yeah i know that.....fine then SOME people. Better?
But most are
not all, i mean r u obessive nd r u anmie133
what!! MAKE SENSE GIRL!!! if u r sayin im obsessive, me and u r gonna av words ya hear!
haha Sakura make funny face
lol anime133 ^__^
you go anime133,tell that person......sasuke's girl represents best friend.this pic is scary.im gonna have nightmares.SCARY
Its like she wants to kill someone
anni is Sakura_the_Great starting on u?
no shes not...she is just not makin sense
GD coz if the person is just let me know and i'll get my good all friend MATCHES out and then u no what will happen
things will get rather hot
You got it in one my friend, you got it in one!
with u it only takes one. one chance, one short temper, one second, one match
WTF??? Sakura has alot of pics like this doesnt she?
恐い 女の子
And over in this cage we have...Sakura! The spastic retard!
People are really obsessive with Sasuke(SAsuke fangirls!!) if you go to the Sasuke albums your luckto make it out alive!!!!!!!!!!
she thinks Naruto is annoying? pfft, but Sasuke is SOOOOOOOOOOOO HxC! and hes too cute when he was really young
alone hope, heh your right, at least it's calm here, see luckies^_^ see sakura, as you can see clearly came back from the albums
man whore....
She's female. Itachi's a man-whore... for men! I love Sakura she cracks me up!
Sakura's so funny! she's my fave character next to haku.
hahahah i love this one!!
lol this is so funnyXD
-_- God,Sakura has got to be the WORST anime character EVER.Masashi-Sama even said that she was meant to be hated!
lol sakura's always funny but can be annoying somtimes but oh well
Masashi-Sama did? LMAO
Someone should REALLY get a gun and shoot this bitch's head off...
MilaOftheDesert, Exactly!! Tenshi: Oooh boy... Sasuke: -_- someone PLEASE smack her already, this is getting VERY annoying... Ino: Sure *smacks Sakura* Sasuke: -_- Thank you Ino: No problem
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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