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Aww so kawaii I don't understand why those mean kids picked on lil Sakura just cuz her forehead was big but to me her forehead looks perfectly normal
pore little sakura!!!
She's so sweet. Why just why did she have to break with Ino?
she had to brake with ino because ino liked sasuke,and its a foolish reason
Aww she was too cute!
hiya kgome-chan! sorry i left, i tried to do the WMM thing but i sasid screw this and Onetruemedia can do it! So im working on the video now AGAIN
I can tell you how to put mp3 into wmm.I've done it before.
Ok it's actually easy.Once you import the music you click,and drag it to the bar below where your pictures are.Be shure to drag it to over to below where the first pic is or the timing will be wrong.
no no, thats not it. i use LimeWire, and it wont work woth WMM. I'll stick to OTM instead.
Yeah,you can upload your own mp3 there to.
yup yup.
Most of the music otm already has stinks!
Thats why I always upload.
yep. I just uploaded into my video now cause i didnt know how to do that earlier. XD
I wish I could use video clips,I tried to see if I could,but my psp would'nt let me. My psp would'nt even let me comment on your vids.I did try.
I just uploaded a pic and its cute
Yeah that works for me too Tenshi-chan.
kk tenshi-chan. Kagome-chan, i cant download gifs for some odd reason. I would be too lazy to edit them anyway.
I don't even know how to make a GIF image actually.
me either
I better go Naruto's on.I promise I'll be back at 10:00 on the nose.
the nose? lol see ya
Pretty sakura wallpaper is up! It took me 5 minutes
lol i'll look
I'm back Sakura mastered the first level of her training!
Cool! I was eating dinner.
Sakura did it Tsunade said she could be the genious to surpass Shizune!
CHA you go girl!
Once shippuuden gets here she'll kick even more but CHA!!!
CHA!!!! You\re sooooo right! GO SAKURA!!!!
one word CHA!!!
Shippuuden better get here soon!
i knoe! grrrrrrr! lol come on CN!!! Hurry!
We still have about 3 seasons left until shippuuden.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!! thats not fair...
I wish I was kidding,but if there's any good news is they show 2 episodes a week.
ok but the manga will be WAYYY ahead of the---*gasp* OF FUC*!! I FORGOT TO GET THE MANGA!! SHIPPUDEN BEGINS!!!!
I have a borders near me so I'll definetly look for it.
i have Barnes & Nobles kinda near me so ill get it tommorow. [i g2g to the bathroom brb]
I wanna get it too! I got the book with the Kakashi Gaiden in it! Now all my friends are in love with Obito... lol.
Wait a sec stupid me I can read it online! In fact I already did once.
you can read it ONLINE??!! Where?! Hi Hoshi-chan!
I read it on YT. And hi Kari-chan!!!
YT???!!! I dont like to read manga in vids. Hiya! Whats up?
I think it was on Naruto kun.com I've read Inuyasha online too.
I'm editin pics right now. And I'm about to check out Naruto kun.com
ohhh.. id like to have though. so i can read it over and over again when i travel to my aunts house! Meh laptop isnt wireless.
I believe that was where I read it.I read the entire Sasori saga.
I know is'nt she cute suzu.
yush she ish sooo cuteh! -hugs sakura-
I could just squeze her cheeks.
Me too! -still hugging sakura-
The nerve people had to make fun of her as a kid.
i know, she should've punched them all into a oblivion!
She did'nt have enough confidence,but now that she's a young woman she would.
oh yeah! Oh EM jee the wind outside right now is sooo loud!
eally? It REAAAAALy cold over here in Texas!
Ino may be annoying,but if it was'nt for her Sakura would'nt be the beautiful confident woman she is today.
yush. Ino and Sakura are great! Its like rainin here in NJ.
Ino's ok,but she can't do the super strength like Sakura can.It ok over here in Georgia.
Ino does medical jutsu too. I guess Sakura taught her. Lucky! Whats Georgia like?
Yes Sakura took her in as her junior.It's usually nice.We had snow flurier early this morning,but it stoped.
i wish we had snow again.....
Once last month we got snow twice in one week.
The reason the kids picked on her was not so much because of her forehead but because she was sensitive about it. They saw it as a weak spot and decided to target her. It's sad how in Japan, when kids are bullied, it's usually the victim who is blamed for being weak.
im made fun of because im the smallest and because i dont talk much in school
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