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I can't beleve I forgot my book at home......Now I wish those fan girls were here....they could get me another.....
Kakashi: *is hit by something* What?!! *sees come come paradice in his lap* *looks down* Phoenix: You forgot this!! Kakashi: Thank you Phoenix! Your an angel! Phoenix: Yep that's me, The wonderful, kind, and intellegent angel of distructive fire! Kakashi: o__o''' Suuuuure... fire...
kakashi:Hmmmmm.. I wonder where sasuke ,sakura ,and Naruto are heh oh well....
Ichi (that's me, btw): *screams* Kakashi! *leaps on him* I'm baaaaack! Tsunade got rid of the aliens in my mind, so I'm not disillusioned into thinking I love Shikamaru-san any more... *huggles Kakashi* Kakashi: Um, that's great... this is KBK, right? Ichi? Ichi: Yups! Now known as TW, or more correctly... Ichi!
wow kakashi not reading his book, not something you see everyday
get down from there! the fangirls will still get u up there u know!! ok does any1 have a chainsaw?
Yeah i do wot kind off violent act wuld u like to use it for anni??
cut down the tree kakashi is in...since ur here do u care 2 do the honors?
YAY!, OH YAY! pass me the lighter then!
no not lighter! the chainsaw *passes chainsaw to PH* (infact woz that a good idea?)
No not rele i prefer the lighter U R MAKING ME CANCELL THOSE BROWNIE POINTS ANNI!!
You're all insane! Even if you succeed in chopping the tree, Kakashi would be smart enough to move to another tree... unless he's in a careless mood and stays inthe tree while it falls, then you'd kill him!
And if he does fall we can cremate his body and their wuld be a lot of fire!!
-_- ooh man.....
What well its true we can cremate his body their and then and we wont have to go hunting for wood!
*gasp* Hot
C we wont even have to pay a penny for getting him cremated.
lol we can creamate and burnn the fallen tree....then the forest will catch on fire then tons of fire MUHAHAHAHAHAHAA! peacock: ?
*hops onto the tree and into Kakashi's lap* KAKASHI!!! <33 *pwee!!!!!*
hmm so whats happening here? O.o kakashi watching his students TRAIN WOW first timer XD. i've got really lot's of pics of kakashi like in ANBU form and stuff, yo girls would freak out XD Laterzz
What's you waiting for submit them!!!!!!!!
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