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She's so adorable!
She looks cute with her hair short!
this is cute, i think she look a bit like sakura with her hair short
she is SOO cute  she does look slightly like Sakura but I think its the Positioning of her bangs and those big adorable eyes
yeah, she should do that short hairdo again
I love this picture of Ino! She is my favorite female on the show! I hate Sakura.
You hate Sakura!? Never open your mouth again!
grrrr! damn sakura haters -.-' its pointless to hate an anime character..really they aren't real *hits_Ed_lover with a frying pan* you (bang) freaking(bang)IDIOT(bang) ino is cute when she's little but when she gets older, she becomes annoying and not that pretty  she acts a bit like a slut(in my opinion)
i hate cojii.......sakuras my 3rd fav person...my 1 fav is tenten  2.shikamaru 3.sakura
a slut? shes like 12-13. Sure she has an obsessive crush, but so does sakura and hinata its not a bad thing (until they become stalkers...which all three are like 3 steps away lol). Anyways, Inos so pretty!!
Oh. My. Gawd. Ino is NOT a slut. How many times have I explained this?
she is definetely not a slut  .
anyone who thinks ino is a slut is a moron
WAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Ino-chan no slut.
Well, they might support her bitchiness, but I still don`t see proof of her being a slut. A slut is promiscuous. Ino in not.
Lol, I guess you can use that as a referance ^^. But yeah, I hate when they play the same songs over and over. Like that stupid Paris Hilton one? Oh God, I hate it! >_<
I havent heard it YAY for me ^^
YeahI know that shitty song is always on the radio the title is " Stars are Blind " if I am not mistaken?! now you know that I think that Ino is a slut right but Paris Hilton is a mega-sluttastic-super-bitchy-used up-whore and sorry for the bashing.
No one gives a damn about Paris Hilton anyways.
I like those pics where Sakura and Ino were young kids..  they're both so adorable. But I think Ino was cuter than Sakura.
I like sakura and ino the same i don`t hate them but they are not my fave(Temari-chan is)Because they are sasuke crazy can someone please tell me what they see in sasuke i sjust a pretty boy to me
Ino starts fights? Are you kidding, SAKURA is the one who ended their friendship over a boy. Sakura is the slut.
She was pretty cute when she was younger
INO IS NOT A SLUT! WHO EVER THINKS SO SHOULD NEVER OPEN THEIR MOUTHS AGAIN! Ino is like the best. Sakura's even more annoying then Ino. So there.
Sakura is only a rival to Ino when it comes to Sasuke. Other then that, they're friends. Ino looks cute in this picture. ^^
She looks so cute...I want a daughter like her.
She looks so cute  How can anyone hate her
ino looks cute here^^i still hate her though>.<
ino's cuter as a kid
NO ONE IS A SLUT SO GET A LIFE AND SHUT UP NOW:pulls out a bat and beat everyone up:
O.o whoa...um...ok....crazy people this day
(about to kill everyone who insulted ino and sakura)
The only slut is Itachi. His ass is fair game to just about any guy when he's drunk. THAT'S a slut! But he's still a doll...
( about to kill ino and fire182)
Ino looks so cute in this pic!
i agree! cant we talk about ponies?
Sakura and Ino were so cute as youngsters.
I know lets talk about that one jerk!!!  HES SOOOO MEANQ! WTF LIONS ARE SOOOO CUTE!!
Oh! Id like to see you try by the way Ive never seen ino KISS any body let alone things im not gonna mention in mixed company a slut is someone who will do any thing with anyone
it's funny how sakura and ino are called sluts when they don't go around doing every guy they see
The slut are Naruto and Sasuke....haven't you seen the fanart?
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