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Shikamaru: What?
lol, exactly...
Hee hee, he looks so sweet in this pic...
He does look cute. Cute in a ugly way. He will never be as good as kakashi. *sigh* *dreams*
I agree... never as good as Kakashi-kun, but HE'S NOT FREAKIN' UGLY!!!
fine!!!!! he isn't freaking ugly....he is just.....not good looking?
If that's what you think, that's fine with me. Just stop insulting him on EVERY picture (you are only allowed to do that to Orochimaru and Kabuto).
OOOOOOOO I CAN INSULT SOMEONE THAT'S NOT KAKASHI?? Woot.You will see me there in....let say....tomorrow. Merry Christmas everyone!
*grins* I say "Die" on at least every one of Orochimaru's pics that I've posted on... *smirks* Merry Xmas to you to... for yesterday.
Crap... I don't remember seeing this scene. I've watched like, every ep out so far ((all the way up to 165))
Just in case you want to know, it's already past X-mas. And don't you dare comment on my comment
I DARE! We wrote that on the 25th and 26th... so yeah.
shikaluver: kibaluver:she's too worn out to say anything in a hyper way.
"Do I have to?" XD ... And no insulting Kabuto.
Looks like an "I don't WANNAAA." kind of moment. xD
Hehe Shikamaru isn't ugly. I think he's pretty cute
He's not pretty cute. He's sexy. Hot. Wonderful. Amazing. And all the rest. He's the love of my life!
Everyone has their own opinions...
Well, I'm just telling you mine. And it's true.
I hear you, Kissed_by_Kakashi!!!
Finally someone who agrees...
neji_shikamura_ lova_ 231
Kakashi's gal should leave Shika alone... Poor Shika doesn't get enough peace of being insulted. Anywayz what did Shika do to her? Something evil in the future I hope!
I agree with that!
He is so cool!!
Cute as hell.
he looks 'troubled' in this pic!
cuter than anything in the world
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