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lol YAY Konoha olympics
Chug chug chug chug!
wat episode is this????!!! I need to find out!!!! telll me Kabuto's Woman!!!! You should kno!!
I dont really know, all I know is that I think hes competing in the Konoha Olympics.
yay....chug,chug,chug! gimme a K! K! gimme a I! I! Gimme a B! B! Gimme a A! A! what's that spell? MY HUBBY!!!!
... learn to spell. K I B A spells Kiba, not hubby...
yamanakasachiko, learn about sarcasam.
yea! kabuto's woman gets my point! and she's proby the only one to get me too.....;.; oh, well, she's an awesome frend anyways! I don't care if she was my ONLY frend, i would b happy!
You really mean that KOAO? How sweet!
This episode is the "Konoha Sports Day", I think it can be considered an OVA, because it was released in the special features of Daikatugeki!! Yukihime Ninpoujyou Dattebayo, aka Naruto Movie One, in the DVD release version. NOW, GENUFLECT BEFORE MY SUPERIORITY, AND BASK IN THE GLORY OF MY EXTENSIVE, IRRELEVANT NARUTO KNOWLEDGE! I PWN YOU ALL!!
No, jk. MAN, I'm bored.
Yes KW, I really mean tat!!!!
cute guy but milk?
Hey Kiba, got milk?
*hypervenalates from his hottness* GAWD HE'S HOTT!!!! This was from a mini...uh eppy? If you go to youtube and type 'konoha sports festival' I'm sure u'll find it.
he looks so adorable drinking milk, lol. I love you kiba!! Kiba: *looks at all the fan girls* O_O Who are you pplz?!?!?!
that would be funny if it was old rotten milk like the time in the beggining where naruto drank bad milk
that episode was really funny
hahah superNarutootaku1292, that's exactly what I was thinking about the 'got milk' thingy.
Really well I got it before you so ha j/k.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=cBEEh9o5h_s You can watch it there, it's really hilarious!!!! That dumb@$$ Sasuke...ohmygawd it's really funny. ^w^
*ish watching the mini-episode thing* Naruto no Baka! Also, why is almost EVERY character, good or bad, there? I saw Inari, that guy that was on Dosu's team, Gaara, Hayate [I think it was him. o.O;] Some of the the sound 5, Kabuto, Itachi, Kisame, all standing in the line for the rest room.. And either Haku, or Inari's mom. x_x I don't have any pity for Naruto.. He should learned the first time.. But -giggles- when Sasuke hit his ass with the baton..
see me and my baby have somethin' in common!MILK ROX!
Oh Kiba! This picture would look great in my "Stupid Naruto Kidz" Collection. Kiba's awesome.
chug chug
It looks like he just realized the milk was sour XD
Boredom~ u have a point,i didn't notice that,p.s. i like the name!lolz, where did that milk come from anyway?i saw the episode but don't remember much,where did it come from?maybe midair...
i like when itachi and kisame r in line for the bathroom n_n
people the konoha sports festival is hilarious'! and theres a lot of dead people! like, i saw the 4th hokage, zaku, dosu, uhhhhh......i saw some other random people like tazunas grandson and...you guys get the point
chug it chug it!!!!!!!! kibz ur so trill just like me i love u!
I love how determined Kiba looks to finish that milk... ha ha
XD Me too!
Paurina- I do the same thing
what is is with Naruto ppl and milk? oh well. Yay Kiba!
its one of the naruto movies (OVA) ,like _alismine_ said, READ WELL btw kiba if you dnt like the milk give it to choji
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