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HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!! *Melts inside thinking of Kiba and me, holding hands, walking on the beach....* *Sanps back ta reality* Umm....Haha *Laughs nervously* Yea.... I LOVE KIBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oopdeedoo... well, I don't love him. But he rocks, oh yeah!
AWW AKAMARU IS SITTING IN HIS HOOD! XXX3 AWW! i just realized i have the same jacket as kiba
KibasOneAndOnly scares me....
Woah, Hana-chan! I didn't even notice that! And yeah, KibasOneandOnly needs to take a time out in the wacky shack...He's not real, peoples. You can drool and fantasize all you want in your head, but there's no need for the rest of the world to know...
i no my name says i love wrath from FMA!!!!!! BUT JUST CALL ME A PLAY'A!!!!!!!
akamaru-chan is sitting in kiba-chan's hood!!ohh,so cute!!akamaru's so small,he fits perfectly in kiba's hood.this pic is so cute,akamaru is so little and adorable,and kiba's cute too,look at that face of his
awww....I LOVE KIBA!!!! kabuto u bastard!! u ruined the picture!!! we dont need to see your stupid armpit!!
is it just me, or does aka change sizes? Here he looks tiny, but sometimes he's pretty big.
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