honey and haru.JPG 640x480(124KB) Hoeny and Haru-5429 viewsHaru-chan and Honey-kun at the beach
host club bali addition.JPG 622x472(52KB) Host club special!-6643 viewsHere is one of the various times that the Host Club will dress in themes. The theme in this picture is Bali!
host club to the rescue.JPG 598x456(48KB) They look like super heroes!-7247 viewsHere they all are this is the host club in full! Haruhi has Tamaki's shirt on her head because she was in the process of changing when they all stormed in!
host club.JPG 629x473(44KB) YAY! Host club!-5586 viewsThis is the very first time you see the Host Club! Yay! Haruhi was so lucky to stumble upon all these Bishounen! I now officialy hate you Haruhi! ~.^
how to use a human shield.JPG 640x480(138KB) Tamaki and Hikaru-7041 viewsKaoru gets angry and throws a bowl at Hikaru who grabs Tamaki and uses him as a human shield. Poor Tamaki-sama TT-TT
idea and idiot in the corner.JPG 640x480(145KB) Uh oh what are they up to-5883 viewsIf you want to see what the idea the twins have check out Haruhi's possible matches and look at the Cookie Monster pics!
ignored.JPG 631x471(58KB) Aww poor tamaki-kun-9398 viewsTamaki-kun asked Haruhi if she was falling in love with him but is interrupted be Hikaru and Kaoru who are rubbing it in his face that they are in the same grade as Haruhi and spend more time with her!
mom and dad.JPG 559x462(38KB) Mama and papa-6112 viewsThis is funny Tamaki-kun is sulking by the tree is says "Mom?" and Kyoya anwsers "Yes dad?" Then Tamaki asks if the twins spend more time with Haruhi. Kyoya says yes and proceeds to pull out a chart and tells Tamaki that he only takes up a measly 3% of Haruhi's time!
my side and yours.JPG 625x471(39KB) Homo characters?-7588 viewsThis was great because Tamaki said that since they are in a romantic comedy he and Haruhi are meant to be. When the others asked who they were supposed to be he said they were the "Homo" characters! Then he drew a line and told them not to cross it.
open theme2.JPG 640x480(145KB) Three-4042 viewsThis is a cap from the opening theme song "kiss kiss fall in love"
pay no attention him hes an idiot.JPG 640x480(168KB) He's an idiot-9359 viewsThis is one of the very many pictures I have where Tamaki-senpai is going on about something and the rest of the group ignores him. hehe poor Tamaki-senpai!
poor honey-senpai.JPG 640x480(149KB) Koaru and Hikaru-11939 viewsKaoru and Hikaru are fighting in the classroom Haruhi is in the middle of it and poor Honey-senpai is being thrown across the room!
rege-kun and haruhi-kun.JPG 640x480(92KB) The girls-6452 viewsThese are the only two girls in the host club. Rege-kun who is the blond is the self appointed manager and Haruhi crossdresses as a boy to pay off a debt.
rege-kun_s messed up version of host club.JPG 640x480(145KB) Rege-kun's Simulated dating game-11362 viewsThis is the Host Club in Rege-kun's simulated dating game. She was so obsessed with it and thought they were really like her game. Boy did she get a rude awakening!
spys.JPG 640x480(134KB) spys-5863 viewsHere is the host club infultrating the junior high. You have to see the episode to get it!
tamaki-senpai being emo.JPG 633x468(40KB) Emo senpai-6113 viewsTamaki-senpai looks emo because he is sulking after the fact that he can't be Haruhi's dance partner because he's too tall. TT.TT Poor Tamaki
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