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That's sexy.. xDD
loL tottaly xDD I really like Iruka ^_^
he looks funny
happy happy happy!
God, and you said he looked like Shikamaru... told you they looked nothing alike!
He looks so... HYPER here! xDDD
happy much, iruka? XD lol hes so cute!! ^ 0
~backs away slowly~
he look so funny. my couin really wants to no if he in love or not and she kinda bugs about things like that so can any one plz help me
he looks like an idiot....
Yes, he does.
was that when he was teaching that history lesson and someone has to help me on my question above plz
As far as anyone can tell, Iruka has no lover at the moment. Those damn shippers want him and Kakashi to get together, but they suck. He has no lover at the moment.
thank you i'm saved  from being bothered by someone, thanks again
Whoever those certain peoples are that want him and Kakashi together DO suck. It's obvious that this sexy man (not exactly in this particular picture) doesn't need Kakashi. He needs (insert ultimate fangirl name right here)
when they get in a pose like this its hard to tell if they're ninjas, right?
Aww look how happy he looks. xD Iruka's expressions are so funny, he's so cute. :3
ahhh hes so cute!
.......uhhhhh m'bey creepy is the word?
Naw, I mean look at that cute face. xD
Iruka....... r u on crack?
lol love this picture! but kinda feaky..........
lol hell yeah
looks like a monkey....
i like iruka, but this is really scaring me...
Heh, he's expression is very cute n_n"
YAY goofy face! yay! (althogh it's creepy!)
He looks like that boy off of the airbender show sokka i think is how you spell it
When did he do that face????
he did that when he was teaching a history lesson outside
his face's so cute!!!!!!!!
HE'S ON MAD CRACK!!!! *note; the sober Iruka does not condone drug use...
thats hot
that facial expression is priceless
Iruka "maybe you'll see my head up there!" naruto " -.-' "
uhhhh... on much? ...tsk,tsk... Bad example for the children, Iruka.
happy happy joy joy!!!!!!
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