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 Woah!!!  I didn't know Gaara was suicidal.
he tried to commit suicide when he was really young by cutting himself,he basically wanted to know how pain felt(obviously it didnt work)
dude like i didnt knew that!! thanx!!
Lee looks.... weirder then usual. Kinda reminds me of Elmo for some reason.
well duh the big eyes
wow and i thought sasukes life was bad
he wuz tryin 2 b assasinated
he was going to be assasinated but he defended himself and fought back
while doing that he killed his uncle who resented him for takeing the life of his sister (gaara's mom)
Lol gaaara's emo hah ahahahahahahaha
wow gaara's live is bad
gaara wins XD
when i saw naruto had no parents....what the hell happened to lees parents???? there has been no reference to them what so ever!!! is he an orphan? does he have a mom or anyone to live with?? so many questions its so troublesome
i think nejis the only one in there that has both of his parents...and that some what love him......oh and OF CORSE GARRA WINS!!!!
Wrong. Neji's father is dead.
and you never hear or see neji's mom.... why is Lee's dreams unreachable...because he can only do taijutsu??
I like the part when Gaara comes in. It's awesome. And Gaara's the victor!!!!!!!!!!
Fawsome gaara has it the hardest!
i think lee's dad is Might Guy....
Wait a minute!Nauto lost his dad when Kuubi was put into him and he has had a sad,solitude life like Garra....It's a TIE!!!!
Naruto didn't have his Dad trying to kill him. Poor Gaara. I be your friend.
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