02.jpg 320x240(36KB) Dating-Sim-925 viewsDoes anyone know which series this is from?
A dude named chaos.jpg 1024x768(122KB) A dude named Chaos-776 viewsThis is what it was named when I picked it up.
Oh, and this is DEFINITLY Leon, if anyone.
Bankai.jpg 600x450(193KB) I don't know what this is...-3188 viewsBut it definitely has NOTHING to do with bankai. Even though I named it bankai.
And it's Alexander. I know for a fact that Nathalya has long hair.
Byakuya 04.jpg 800x600(229KB) Byakuya Kuchiki - Bleach-5887 viewsAll rainbowy and pretty.... :D
Envy.jpg 428x600(50KB) Envy Fanart-2278 viewsI'd say this would be anyone but Leon, but it reminds me mostly of Nathalya
Hayate - pretear.jpg 300x505(23KB) Pretear-1921 viewsAgain, it's the one in the back. This would either be Nashir or Alexander.
Makoto.jpg 1024x768(285KB) 948 viewsMORE Nashir/Alexander.
Nashir.jpg 208x729(115KB) 590 viewsAgain, Nashir or Alexander. Looks a bit young to be Alexander though.
Toshimaro 02.jpg 640x480(48KB) Toshimaro - Peacemaker Kurogane-1704 viewsProbably another Nathalya here.
unknown 02.jpg 200x316(15KB) Blue Impact-2744 viewsIt's the one in the back. I'd say he would be either Leon or Nashir.
Oh, and apparently both of them are guys. O_o