mt1116935196.jpg 540x368(48KB) The Cast of Naruto-4033 viewsO yea it's all good! They all rule!
Narutard.jpg 312x291(18KB) Be Narutard-8062 viewsThis makes no sense! But i think it's funny.
naruto kitties.jpg 600x360(25KB) NARUTO KITTIES!!!!!!!!-6502 viewsNEKOS! omg i am goin 2 put this in my other album too.
Naruto%20Cute%203.jpg 454x376(27KB) Cute Picnic!-9236 viewsEra - Can i go kakashi sensei?
Kakashi sensei- No i'm sorry, but this picnic is for squad 7 only but maybe next time,Era.
Sakura- C'mon sensei, Era is really nice and she makes us laugh! Right guys?
Both- Whatevr!
Naruto2173wp5_1024.jpg 1024x768(140KB) neji and hinata fight!-6035 viewsGo hinata kick neji's butt( even though he is pretty powerful)
naruto_011.jpg 800x600(148KB) Hinata-5053 viewsooooo! Hinata! She rocks!
naruto_035.jpg 800x600(71KB) ying yang cousins-3200 viewsthis is a great wallpaper
naruto_042.jpg 800x600(60KB) Legendary Sanin-7678 viewsTsunade beats all!
naruto_047.jpg 800x600(116KB) Orochimaru Jounin-9192 viewsThis is when orochru (as my frends call him) poses as a sound village jounin in charge of Kin, Zaku, and Dosu.
NARUTO_147148.jpg 450x362(28KB) oooooooooooooo!-4612 viewsThey almost kiss! One of my fav eps that i havent seen!
naruto_challenge.jpg 400x300(18KB) I challenge you-3235 viewsI got this pic thnx 2 My Anime
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