anitsakura1.JPG 864x1116(194KB) If Sakura Ever Somehow - very mysteriously - Got Married to Sasuke PART ONE-64173 views
antisakura2.JPG 864x1071(124KB) If Sakura Ever Somehow - very mysteriously - Got Married to Sasuke PART TWO-54201 viewsAnd they all lived happily ever after
Anti_Sakura.jpg 796x1115(671KB) I almost Puked-69224 viewsI'm not much of a Sasusaku fan ^_^
b2250e2f.jpg 463x949(110KB) Piggy back-65790 viewsNeji makes me laugh
Comic68.jpg 441x1500(68KB) PMSing Itachi and Kisame-83581 viewsthats gotta be scary
damnyouincestyaoifangirls.jpg 442x800(80KB) Damn you! Incest Yaoi fangirls-78778 viewsWell uchiha incest makes me laugh...alot, so whoever came up with the idea can have a cookie for making me laugh so hard
DeidaraSasori.JPG 550x750(87KB) Deidara and Sasori-236782 viewsthis comic made Deidara my new fav XD
find a penny.JPG 298x415(18KB) Find a penny pick it up-83619 viewsthen all day you'll have good luck O.o
glittersasuke.jpg 607x640(148KB) Sasuke likes glitter-110657 views...just not pink glitter
inotemari.JPG 600x344(30KB) Fight for Shika-72274 viewsThough Ino doesnt seem to intersted
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