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AWW poor emo sasuke ^^
yay emo!!!
me been emo....  i suck! i cried cuse i sucked!
hahahaha but really hes not emo
Yes you do, Sasuke. Yes you do.
awww hes sooooooooo cute here
I found my inner emo once...then i got grounded for it!
i was emo once and i cut myself multiple times with scicores ( sizors) (spelling wrong) and it hurt bad
nope, couldnt do it...2 painful...
yeah then at that time i thought y am i living in this horrible life? now im much better ^^b
i tried, but...im 2 scared.......
emos dont all cry and cut themselfs people shoudl really grow up
look at his frekkin arms!!!!!
Aww...Sauskue you don't suck.Your'e cute.
Oh come on Sasuke you don't suck. You just happen to be emotionally constipated (sp?)
i've never had an inner emo, just an outer
yes you do suck dont listen
i knew it
AHAHAHAHA WTF! OMFG THIS IS SO FUNNY AHAHAHAHAHA! ...... oh sorry I was just watchin a video on youtube called "Neji's dance" it's so funny neji dances to the song macarena!HAHAHA!
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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