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i dont care if sasunaru is more popular i still dont like it
Tis supposed to be funny. Laugh.
O_O thats interesting
Ummm, this is kinda weird. I am all for SasuNaru except he really is about to try and kill Naruto, he also gets close to killing Sakura, both are lucky someone was there to block for them.
hmm...STOP BEING SERIOUS! I think we all (well most of us) know that he was trying to kill them BUT this is to make fun of it. :nods:
Go sasuke rip naru clothes... yeaaaaaaa give us a gift to all sasunaru yaoi fangirls!! (i bring my camera ^.^)
funny monkey!
this one is good one...
Do it Sasuke! Do it! >
harhari agree with eraser_burn!! let out your true feelings!  i'll cry with you
I have so much anger...I cant let out my true feelings...and it hurts...*Sniffle*.
Itachi: <gasp> My baby brother is gay too?! How will our clan continue? I know I won't do it with a girl!!! Not on my life!! EWWW!!! All squishy and floppy everywhere!!! Nasty!! Me: Don't worry, Chi-chan. Sasuke isn't gay and he loves Tenten. We'd shoot you before we tried to make you do a girl. That's what friends are for. Itachi: Thank you. I would rather die than do a girl. Well I wouldn't even be able to get it up, so it's not an issue! Yay! Suck on that, NOTitachisonlygirl!!!
my head really hurts now...naruto's an idiot, sasuke's, uhh, i-in denial  , and sakura's...well, sakura.
>.> don't make fun of my sasuke
oyu people are SO gay....and sasuke IS NOT gay!!!
Why must you do that gaara_ai666foxdemonqueen? He's not gay.....
hehehehe i spelled you wrong  ....doesn't off have too "f"s? they put"don't rip his clothes of" repetedly {spelling error}. you'd think they'd catch it at least once...
-_-++++ (mad [again] at gaara_ai666foxdemonqueen)
Sasuke Thinking:Yeah you jus keep thinkin that youYou dumba** B****
xD I think Sakura would be happy with the result of pairing either way....*cough*chap 347*cough*
NOOOOOOO! Naru-kun! Uke is going to rape youuuuuuu!!! oh wait... WAIT UKE! I HAVE TO GO MAKE POPCORN! 
gaara_ai, you meanie
LOL team 7
SASUKE! RIP HIS CLOTHES OFF! DOOOOO IT! DOOOOOO IT! *peer presure* Come on, man. >.<
Do it...do it...DO IT!!! GYAH!!! >O<
wait sasuke hold that thought!!!! (goes to get a camera and comes back) okay!!
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