BankotsuandKagome.png 231x229(61KB) What to call this?-14284 viewsYou know Anime is full of strange couples and I have to say this is somewhere in the top 10!
bloody fate.jpg 457x685(121KB) the angel's bloody fate-5255 viewsI think this one is my favorite picture of the two together.
chibi krad.jpg 783x1073(136KB) he is so innocent looking-3759 viewsI like Krad more than Dark. Don't ask me why I just think he's cuter.
dark and krad.jpg 640x480(63KB) another one-15204 viewsyeah another one of Krad and Dark together.
Dark_N_Krad.jpg 700x413(284KB) another one of dark and krad-8611 viewsYeah I love this two bishounen so there is probably going to be a lot of these pictures in here.
dn angel.jpg 1024x768(210KB) satoshi and krad-8776 viewsHere's what I don't get about Dnangel. How come the good guys wear black and are thieves and the bad guys work for the police and wear white?
hehe krad_s a psycho.jpg 640x480(203KB) hahaha-8444 viewsMy friend e-mailed this to me making fun off me cuz I'm a blonde and I admit I have violent tendencies.
JB.jpg 504x392(87KB) Jakotsu and Bankotsu sleeping.-6367 viewsThis pic is uber cute but I'm pretty sure that Bankotsu is STRAIGHT...i think
krad again.jpg 267x383(38KB) I admit it!-6736 viewsMy name is Carma and I'm a Kradoholic....
krad.jpg 297x227(50KB) Krad-7158 viewsFirst one I had of Krad he looks cute with that sexy smirk of his!
trioflat.jpg 490x675(111KB) mabudachis-13302 viewsThey all look so cute!
vampireKnight.jpg 261x303(30KB) Vampire knight-35832 viewsFrom left to right is Kaname, Yuki, and Zero. The main charachters for the manga Vampire Knight. It hasn't been released in America yet except for in Shoujo beat magazine.