comic.JPG 630x813(77KB) "Sam MANson" part one-2749 viewsSo yeah, I hate Danny Phantom. Like really hate it. So I made this! Tada!!! Please don`t start yelling at me if you are offended, it`s just my opinion. Oh, and I didn`t draw this, I just used clips from the manga.
comic2.JPG 768x887(105KB) "Sam MANson" part two-2512 viewsHere`s the second and final page. Sai is creative with nicknames, isn`t he? Once again, no flamey. No flamey = me likey. ^_^ `Tis all good!
Ino2.JPG 185x250(7KB) Ino again!-458 viewsThat`s a very strange pose, Ino...
Inocherries2.jpg 640x480(58KB) Ino hearts cherries!-265 viewsJust a small oekaki I churned out while I was bored. Enjoy! ^^
InoCho.JPG 316x438(10KB) Butterfly-881 viewsIt`s Ino and...I don`t really feel like explaining the pic.*is lazy*
Inocolored.jpg 185x250(15KB) Ino colored!-323 viewsI colored the old sketch. And took off her shirt. XD
InoLollipop.JPG 285x1079(24KB) Lollipop <3-591 viewsZOMG! I like Ino with short hair! *dies*
InoNag.jpg 640x480(48KB) Bitch Ino, bitch!-377 viewsChouji`s willing to look past Ino`s less affable qualities. ^^
Inostretch.JPG 248x339(9KB) Ino stretching-1164 viewsThese are a couple of practice doodles. Ino is quite limber.♥
jazzercize.JPG 442x507(35KB) Jassercize!-2143 viewsLol, Ino does jassercize! (can you spot the peeping toms?)
OAVRiza.JPG 209x517(15KB) OAV Riza-914 viewsWhat is she wearing? Why, that spiffy outfit from the OAV!♥
omigawd.JPG 552x591(24KB) Like, oh my Gawd!-798 viewsIt seems like something Ino would say. I was feeling very "Valley Girl" when I drew it.♥
RandomTrio.JPG 355x432(17KB) Three random girls-618 viewsI like the top one. XD
RizaHearts.JPG 454x555(19KB) Riza hearts Roy!-795 viewsRiza loves Roy! (her side profile was a bitch, lol)
sai.JPG 389x789(27KB) Sai-440 viewsWaazaam! It`s Sai! In smexy form!♥ I did this for a friend.
sasuke.JPG 272x523(22KB) Sasuke-592 viewsThis is my first attempt at, he`s so emo!♥
small.jpg 450x157(14KB) Ino sig-327 viewsI made this sig. I ♥ it, o-tay?
Temari1.JPG 286x330(12KB) Temari-517 viewsTemari with a very strange expression on her face...♥