enjoy it or dont...
hi g
yo boy, what do you think of my latest wp?
i love it
thx, it was actually requested some time ago ^^; but i have been busy ad such
oh...i love the way you put this together your very good at this G
i found you!!!!^^ tobi: tobi helped!!!
thx a lot boy yeah i have done some other wp with this style as well.. the joke on this might be a bit PG13 but i dont give a damn about that
AHH *FALLS ON GROUND*i ino you starteld me hi tobi...oh G ok
...i will ... kill ...every ...one you...ever... loved...so you... can feel... my... pain
tobi:hihihihihihihiHIHIHIHIHIH!!!!!!! ino: i'm talking to two people at once....tobi just got on top of my bed...then fell off... Tobi: tobi hurt himself...
j jam whats worng...it ok tobi..
ino:..... tobi: { freaks out , runs around crying }
ino:.......TOBI I SAID TO GET OFF ON THAT..WHAT LIKE 3 MIUTES AGO?! TOBI WILL YOU NEVER LEARN YOUR LESSON?!?! {drop} tobi:oooowwwwyyyyy!!!!!! Ino: aaaaawwwww poor tobi.....
jam what pain... tobi are you ok
tobi: *sniffle* tobi hurts...*sniffle*... Ino:*sigh* poor tobi he's ok....i've got a rag on his head...{kisses tobi's head}
*rubs tobi on head* well thats good...i wounder where jam and G went
do they have issues....? {no offence.} ....{tobi hugs boyo}
im not sure but jam sounded very upset *pats tobis head*..but wheres G
he left at 5:57. it's......{....} my time zone is different....so idk.come here tobi! ^^
well that igsplans where G went but i wounder where jam is
a carpet burn?....and tobi you shoudent be afraid of ino shes not going to hurt you...ok *pats head* ...
....tobi she dident mean to fall on you...it was a mistake..look shes siting there crying because your afraid...go over there ok..go give her a hug theres nothing to fear...it was a mistake little guy...shes sorry for what she did you dont have to be afraid...cus i cant see why you would be afraid of some one so kind...go on over and show her you foregive her..ok..*pats tobi on the head*
{hugs tobi} i'm sorry,tobi! my arm still hurts though...i lov u,tobi! maybe he gets scared easy because people bet up on him..i know how that feels,tobi... ^^ it's ok!^^
.....ya dont need to worry about people like that tobi...ill protect you from them...with all my heart and soul....i sware opun dearist my self and dearist my soul ill look after...and i wont let anybody hurt you i promise....ino..people beat you up?
no...not in the way you would think.....I promise ,too,tobi!!!! people won't hurt you now!! ^^
....your arm still hurt dousent it ino here * puts arm on bag of ice* wine ever i get a burn my untie would do this so it should cool the pain... you sed not in the way that i thank...do they pick on you...its ok if you dont want to tell me...
thanx...they're the kind of people where if they already have a best friend they don't want anything to do with you...my 2 best friends moved away,my boyfriend dumped me,and now i'm alone...so badly i have to draw friends i wish i had...and then get rejected at school...i..just..can't win...
*hugs tight*...those prople..do not no the meaning of freind ship...they dont no that there is a great person who will stick by them through thick and thin..ino..you no longer need to draw freinds..because im here im your freind...you dont need to fell alone...because i will allways be you freind i will never reject you...i will protect you...even though i cant be there i will protect you here i will be by your side...so dont fell alone ino..dont fill alone any more...
thanx boyo, one of my 6th grade friend is on a tobi picture...do you want to meet her? because she wants to meet you. go to page 4 of "tobi" click on the one where they're in school. k?
yes...i would love to meat her
ok!! go to page 4 of"tobi" ckick on the one where they're in school! don't worry i've got tobi. ^^ meet you there.
ok ranodm conversation here
it is?
yeah well boy and ino went a bit crazy with the comments there thx ^^ yeah well i couldnt take it out it was such a good joke i thought xD
its to bothersome to read all that xD
WOW! I love it G! Looks good!
thx J yeah this turned out god i supose ^^ the joke could have been better but i was bored at the moment i did it so it lacks that litle extra ^^;
admitted the joke coulda been better but then again i have no idea who this woman is lol....but i love the colour!! and the way you put them together....question...what programme you use?
yeah soo hehe its the awesomenesst (new word by G )
Awesomenesst all you did was add a T at the end boy......mah it does
exactly im a ginues! XD
yeah thats her cant gett much clearer then that xD jk
i just read the quote!!!
yeah its suposed to sound nerdy, wth that "1" insetad of a "!" and thers also "omgosh" xD
Hi there *waves*
hey how are you feeling?
Terrible headache, not much sleep last night, but apart from that a little better (finally). ^^; Geez, that must sound odd. I can't even understand it. I really have awful headaches, but still I feel better than yesterday.
well glad to hear your feeling better, even if thats hard to udnerstand >_>;;
*shrug* Maybe it's because I don't have any fever today anymore.
really, wel thats a big improvement then ah well so how goes it in school?
?! ... Are you kidding?
hehe ^^; am I, about the school tin or about a big improvement, um neither
The school thing. Since when do I go to school? I've been at home since we know each other.
hmm but you said that you had soem reprt to do, so i thought that it was some sort of school work, maby a course... guess i was wrong or just missunderstood something you have said
Course? I? Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about currently Do you mean my application tests?
nha, just forgett i said annything ^^; dont know what i thught
Sorry, but I really don't know what you could have meant I had a job in the zoo and I have my applications. Maybe you mixed me up with Tasha or Nin-chan?
hmm not sure, anny way, sooo, what are you doing at the moment... considering that you have been away for awhile, i dont have much knowledge of what it is you do these days
Oh, I had an application test on Thursday, and because it was so early in the morning and so far away, I had to sleep at the railroad station -.- It was horror.
wtf, you had to sleep there!? yeah i can imagen it was how far away was it?
Uh... 200 to 300 kilometers, I'ds say.
O_O that must have taken hours to take by train, how early?
9 am in the morning. Which means I took a train leaving at 7pm the evening before, then was there at 11 pm and stayed there till next morning.
hiya guys!!!
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