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O.O why do you ahve to be sooo good at this???
thx both of you ^^the hardest part to find these damn pics XD
4 some reason i knew u'd say that...I just put this up and it looks sooooo AWSOME!!!!!!
thx again 'hug* hey i got another one to about halloween ^^
Put it up! Put it up! Put it UP!!!!*hug*please, please,please,please, PLEASE????
it is up! ><
"What a beautiful wedding!what a beautiful wedding!"says a bridesmaid to a waiter."and yes but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore"I'd chime in with a"havn't u people ever heard of closeing the goddamn door?"No, its much better 2 face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality....pour the champene, pour the champene!!!
yeah that song is ok ^^
I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!! It's from Panic!At The Disco!!!!! IT RULES!!!
hehe so thats what they are caled, didnt know there name really...
so do I!!! Oh, well imagine, as I'm paceing the pews in a church corridore and I can't help but 2 here, no I can't help but 2 here an exchanging of words...
G feels cool right now....O_O
i always feel cool
cool!and also, I think I'm sick....stupid flue!!!Ugh, I'm just gonna go now....XP
aawww poor ban-chan... would hug you but i dont want the flue ^^;
i'm feeling better today!!!!!
good *hug*
"Let's get these teen hearts beating faster!Faster!" Oh, thx G!!*hugs*Oh, and 2day I had ice cream wit rum on it!! It was yummy...^-^
ew, i hate icecream with rum, sort of ruins it -.- both the rum and the icecream
Everybody knows that when push comes 2 shove, nothin feels better then feelin the love!!WOOOO HOOOOO!!!PEACE TO THE PEOPLE!!(and G)
thx for counting me in there -.-
Okay, fine! PEACE 2 G!!!!!YAAAAAY 4 G!!!
Gs having his moment LOl
oh im enjoying this thx ban-chan ^^ *huuuuuuuug*
X3 *huuuug*
X33 *huuuuug*
online hugs... its nice in a a way ^^
yeah, very true!^-^
well better then nothing i gues ^^
yeah, I guess. Oh, btw, my King Cobra(Jack) says hello!!!!♥
my cat fluffy just ran away TT_TT j/k
FLUFFY!!!!! hehe, reminds me of Sesshomaru! and me sowwy G.....
Jack: *burp* G: FLUFFY!!! TT_TT
O_O Jack!! spit fluffy out NOW!!!!!BAD COBRA!!!!!
fluffy: @_@ G: TT3TT pow litle fluffy wuffy.... ban: O.o *walks away*
O_o okay then.....
just so you know i dont have a cat named fluffy, hes name is lusen ^^, and no im not like that to him XD poor cat
awwww, KITTIE!!!! I like kitties.....hehe, my snake is 98% real, 2% evilllll!
snakes are supose to be evil mohahaha
Scaaaaaaaarrrrrrry... Anyways, I thought we may rather talk on a different pic because I'm not sure if Triss would be pleased. And since my last upload is a little *cough*. Well. Oh, I missed you so much, too. *snuggle-attack!!!*
why would she be botherd by us talking there? *snuggles* ^^ glad to see you, unfortunatly, im gonna go to bed now so it was a brief talk, gonna go up early tomorrow and work all day... well good night sweety! lots of love and hugs!
Oh . That's okay, I need to go for a walk with my dog, anyway. Good night, dear! *hugs* Sweet dreams! Miss you
i hope you had a great walk then ^^
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