some one comment dammit ><
hahaha i don't get it O_O
i like potatoes
the whip and pacifier, mistress tools, hinta is a shy girl.. enough clues XP
I like chicken with my plate plz
i have already eaten TT_TT
and you didn't save me anything??? TT.TT
i did but my sister ate it all... >_>
EH!?!?!?! TT.TT
no one gets my joke here TT_TT
I DO!....a bit....sort of.....maybe....ok no. ^^,
hi!!!!!! ^^
ok i just change it then TT_TT
i think i get it! hinata uses a pacifier and a whip while she sleeps like a little baby! am i right? ^^,
-.-" no... a pacifier is also a name of a sex toy >< and the whip, well you probably get the idea by now -.- il just change it, thought it was a good joke TT_TT
..........*hits G w/ a fryingpan* PERV!!! but now i get it ^^
ow >< so not worth it!
try to come up w/ a none pervy joke *hits u again but w/ a bigger fryingpan* ;p
stopp hiting me woman!! >< thats the thing with these jokes, they are supose to be so out of charakter as posible
ok? but when u said pacifier PLZ tell me u didn't mean vibrator O_O i liked the joke when i didn't get it
no thats is not a pacifier, thats a vibrator and nothing else, your a girl you should know this -.-" its a red ball that you put over the mouth to "pacifie" the guy or girl... -.-"
i'm 14...i don't know everything about these things! -.-"
aww its ok
you know im gonna leave it at that and dont go in to details about anything -.-"
i could have done worse with this joke -.-
its ok..i'm used to it -.-"
i dont, i put the cool pics up and a joke up on every one realy
aww we mad poor G mad! *pats G* that's a good boy! ^^
XDDD G its okay ^^ and the joke I see now....O.O
K... your lucky your miles away -.-"
im 11 i don't get jokes XDDD
inocent girls i wonder if D would get it
im not that innocent i can unleash the rain of terror! TERROR!!!
oh your both inocent if you dont get the joke
im 11!!!! XDDD we have to talk about that kinda stuff with our teachers >>
well i could have writen that shes realy a maniac then
i like cake =^-^=
yay thx ban-chan ^^ good that some one liek the joke XD... well someone else voted pretty low so its still a 3
thx tasha ^^ *hug*
*hug ban* ^^
G! While I was away, I just had the idea to ask you to make a Hinata wp, in violett. And now I come back and see you did it! And I got the joke immediately. Say, you were not "stimulated" by me here, were you? *worried* It looks so great!
YAY!! I knew you would get it ^^ see thers a perv in you still *hug* X3 well i did think that you would like this wp ^^ and well yeah i sort of got a bit stimulated but mostly its my own sick twisted mind MOHAHAHAHA
Inner Talee: "Now he got me..." But just to let you know, I don't have a pacifier (and you will never find my whip, MWAHAHAHA! *random person in my room* "Kari, why do you have this whip here?" Kari: Oo)
then i know what to buy you XD hahaha kidding
Oo *cough* I don't want a pacifier! I want a flask...
a flask, some new evil device im not femiliar with
A flask is the bottle with milk you feed babies with. *Inner Talee: See, Talee, I TOLD you he doesn't know what a flask is...* Talee: Shut up! Baka -.-)
oh -.- you want a flask? why?
Pacifier... flask... it was a joke. Get it?
oooooooohhhhhh.. hehe sorry ^^; im a bit tired right now
well do have different types of humor, so it not a big suprise
*glomps* ^^ hi! yeah your prbably right tasha
Hi both of you! ^^ *hugs* Glad to see you two! Tasha, how about doing sth which helps you relaxing? Music, chocolate or whatever. BTW, I put up a new chibi pic.
well I hope it works out for you in some way...
I'm sorry to hear, Tasha. How about reading? Bye, hugs
well i also have some things to atend to but not right now... il give you a heads notice ^^
Don't leave too early, G. Jag tycker om dig, I hope you know. ^^
i know you do kari ^^ *snuggles* thx, jag gillar dig med ^^
Thank you ^^ (I suppose...)
well i soon have to go, but i will be back in just 30 min or so, hopefully, i got to pack not only for my weekend ( dont worry i send you a mail to explain it ^^) but also for when i move ( also in the mail) ^^ sorry about the vage description here its just that i realy cant explain it this short to you
That's okay, I'll be looking forward the mail. BTW, I probaly won't be on later today anymore. I'm sorry, but you know I'm ill, and I think I should rest then a little .
mm yes you should do that, do you feel better today?
Yes, a little, but I'm still ill. I need to get off now. My mother wanted to phone me, sorry . Hope to see you tomorrow *hug* (or whenever, in terms you're gone over the weekend). Bye! *snuggles*
I hope you get well soon, and rest. yeah i wont be on for some time after today, il miss you. *snuggles* bye...
... well a bit to late perhaps but hope your better ^^;
i loves hinata-chan!!! shes adorable!! ^-^
�eah shes cute, but need to grow some backbone >_>;;
shes gotten tougher....sorta.....and shes still as nervous as heck around naruto!! ^-^
and people say they hate eachother -_-
WAT???? thats bull!! they do NOT hate each other!! hinata loves him like heck....! narutos just clueless!!!
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