Ash2.jpg 102x96(2KB) Ash & Pikachu-887 viewsAsh & Pikachu withe lightning
gaara2.jpg 300x213(10KB) Gaara-handsings-3080 viewsgaara bloody & doing handsings
gaara3.jpg 340x255(17KB) Scary Gaara-577 viewsScary pic of gaara
greed2.jpg 340x255(11KB) Greed-1373 viewscool pic of Greed from FMA(fullmetal alchemist)
Hiei3.jpg 175x194(3KB) Hiei sword-1153 viewsHiei with his sword drawn
Iruka.jpg 127x101(2KB) Iruka ANBU-2523 viewsiruka in his ANBU outfit
joey2.jpg 340x255(24KB) Joey Wheeler-792 viewsthe many faces of Joey Wheeler...
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Kiba.jpg 340x255(33KB) Kiba academy student-1564 viewskiba asleep akamaru
Miroku3.jpg 92x132(1KB) Miroku thoughful-449 viewsmiroku lookin' thoughtful.(probably about Sango or some lady)^.^
shino2.jpg 200x150(6KB) Shino no glasses-1073 viewsshino with no glasses and trench coat partiaclly open.
ssTrunk2.jpg 800x600(40KB) trunks supersayin-1551 viewstrunks sword supersayin
think_kakshi_no_mask.jpg 292x219(42KB) Kakashi no mask-5044 viewswhat we think kakashi looks like without his mask. go ahead & drool we don't care.
valon.jpg 150x112(2KB) Valon-740 viewsValon with red jacket