painting.jpg 300x249(33KB) What Gaara does at night-13859 viewsby: MariahEchidna
The onte in blue (besides Sasuke) is Gaara's mom, the thing that i love is Gaara fighting Shukaku, Lee (looking like a powerpuff girl), Gaara again as Kazekage and Naruto as Hokage
So_not_laid____by_bacone.jpg 637x825(115KB) So not laid-15737 views�2005-2006 ~bacone
Artist's Comments
Naruto: Sasukee!!
Sasuke: My sweet-uke Naruto!!! Ohhh, how I waited for this moment!!!
Naruto: *while running in a field of flower* Sasukeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Sasuke: *runs through the field of flower* Narutooooooooo!!! *Sasuke's thoughts* I'm so getting laid
Naruto: Let's go eat at the new Ramen shop,ne?
Sasuke: *shock n dissapointed*
(This time I include the Artist's Comments cuze in other case probabli u wont understnd)
spring.jpg 442x1222(227KB) Kiss the girl-9199 views**Agata singing "Kiss the girl" from the little mermaid**
Yes you want her, look it her you know you do
Possible she wants you too
There is one way to ask her (Ask her)
Don't take a word, not a single word go on and
Kiss the girl
Why_is_Gaara_so_naughty_.jpg 300x804(72KB) Why is Gaara so naughty-9462 viewsSasuke just get confuse ^^U
This is not mine, the author is: moemai from...
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