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KAWAII NEKO SASUKE!! Omg thats SO adorable. So cute!^^
I think his Cute too!^^
I want a sasuke kitty how much are they
The three of us get free ones cuz we're cool like that
Free!!Take the pic & paste it in your gallery!^^
thats stealling .... *mouth drops to the floor* I couldnt do that or could I mahahahaha
Do it I don't care!!
Really? Thanks. Dont think of it as stealing Clarad001, think of it as having the same pic.
aww thanks for the advice ..... please cll me D ^^ *hugs*
Sure ill call you D. ^^ *Hugs back* you can call me Leta (pronounced lita but with an e i should put an accent mark there or something)
Hey can I have a hug too? PS. I get jelous easily
Sure! Hugs for both of you! *Hugs*
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