ayame.JPG 947x635(196KB) Pink*Ninja12/06/08 at 10:27So she's the middle child. I was wondering which o...
chiyo.JPG 947x768(244KB) rei_hikari12/06/08 at 09:52Yup, her birthday is coming up! XD I wonder what H...
Haruka.JPG 947x768(200KB) rei_hikari12/06/08 at 09:49Yeah, but she isn't very confident about her looks...
asuma.JPG 947x635(184KB) Pink*Ninja12/06/08 at 09:43Oh, I must of read it wrong... I thought it said t...
tsuneo.JPG 947x635(216KB) rei_hikari12/06/08 at 09:37Thanks! I thought it would suit him, since he uses...
tsuneo.JPG 947x635(216KB) Pink*Ninja12/06/08 at 09:34You made his middle name Kamaitachi (scythe weasle...
asuma.JPG 947x635(184KB) rei_hikari12/06/08 at 05:39Oh no, Shikamaru's not his sensei, his sensei is S...
asuma.JPG 947x635(184KB) Pink*Ninja12/05/08 at 16:44It must be awkward to have your father as you sens...
Honoka.JPG 947x635(202KB) rei_hikari12/05/08 at 16:09Yeah, he's not exactly the teaching type... Oh wel...
Honoka.JPG 947x635(202KB) Pink*Ninja12/05/08 at 15:52If you say so, but I have a hard time imagining th...
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