aaron.jpg 600x450(38KB) Aaron-2825 viewsCalm and collected, he also can't feel pain, but he is emotionlly hurt easily. He can never be mean to anyone, not even to people he utterly hates. He has 3 brothers, and Shanna is like a sister. Aaron met Shanna when she was crying on a park bench in the rain. He is only in love with one person, and people call her lucky because it is hard to win his affection the way Shanna did.
Bob.JPG 180x245(9KB) 1561 viewsThinking he is a "Ladies Man" that he can charm the girls.But he can't. The only one in love with him is Starr. He never used to like her until she used Tulip's power on him, because it doesn't work on Zane. Bob and Collin get along well because they have the same intrests and love intrests. He is in love with 5 guys, wich everybody knows. Why? Because he tried to kiss them, but all 5 guys rejected.
carter.jpg 200x298(24KB) 2295 viewsEven though him and Chris look like identical brothers, they are in no way related, but they are dating. Also one of the people that makes fun of Starr. Carter lives by himself because he wanted to get away from his abusive parents. Well actually, his roommate is Chris.
cliff.jpg 368x400(34KB) Cliff-3661 viewsClif has a hidden secret that only Aaron, Brett, Burt, and Shanna know about. He can see the spirits of the dearly departed. And even though he is human, he can see like a cat. He also has a good sense of humor. Cliff has a scar on his neck that came from a bullet, being shot when he saved Aaron. That happened when Aaron was 12, Cliff was 11, Brett was 7, and Burt was 9. That was the first and only person Cliff killed.
jacie.jpg 597x799(76KB) Jacie-4037 viewsJacie's... quirky. She can be calm and collected when it's needed, but she's usually very happy and hyper, and almost always talking, wether it be to someone else or herself. She's a bookworm and loves music and movies. Despite her apperance, she's very sweet and nice... until you make her angry then she'll kick you're ass. She's dating and head-over heels for Jasper. She's easy to get along with and has very few enemies.
joe.jpg 800x600(73KB) Joe-3134 viewsJoe is what you woud call the "anti-stereotype." He thinks it is insulting to him, but it is true. He deeply cares for his brother, Malice. He is almost never talks, he likes Shanna, Kyle, and Kurt, and is currently dating Kurt. Though young, he is a very popular kid. He, aswell as Kyle hates every little kid but Sean. And Joe is almost and creepy and eerie as Sean. He holds a HUGE grudge against Rose, for one reason he rufuses to tell.
kurt.jpg 425x425(21KB) Kurt-3696 viewsHe is not as creepy as Sean, but he looks more creepy. Nobody, not even him, can remember his past or how he got the orb he always carries around. Kurt is also part of the Strait family, so he is not actually strait. He is madley in love with Joe, so they started dating. And at one point, when he was 13, he tried to kill his sisters. And like Joe, Jurt has a HUGE grudge against Rose.
malice.jpg 450x375(57KB) Malice-3830 viewsMalice has a very serious sickness, and needs constant watch. His sickness will not kill him, he just gets constant aches and his left arm paralyzed. Malice deeply cares for Joe, for taking care of him, since they have no fmily, alll taken by sickness. He is in love with Nekra and Kyle and is currently dating Nekra. And because of them having no family, they are both living in a abandoned house just outside of Scarlet Village. Plus, he is the reason Joe and Kurt have a huge grudge against Rose.
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