Ao�t.jpg 694x579(93KB) August-2184 viewsAugust for the youka� taijiya Kohaku !
Avril.jpg 696x579(93KB) April-1860 viewsApril for the kitsune Shipp� ! ^^
Bankotsu et Jakotsu.jpg 1024x768(107KB) Bankotsu & Jakotsu-820 viewsThe death is not the end . . . only a beginning . . .
D�cembre.jpg 693x580(72KB) December-1605 viewsDecember for the hany� Inuyasha !
F�vrier.jpg 695x581(91KB) February-2278 viewsFebruary for the ningen Kagome !
Janvier.jpg 696x582(89KB) January-1702 viewsJanuary for the hany� Inuyasha.
Again ! ^^
Juillet.jpg 696x555(80KB) July-2643 viewsJuly for the powerfull ta�youka� Sessh�maru ! ! !
Moreover, I was born in July !
That to ask best than to see Sessh�maru representing my month of birth ! ? ^///^
Juin.jpg 694x581(91KB) June-2150 viewsJune for the youka� ta�jiya Sango !
Kiky� et Naraku.jpg 1024x768(182KB) Kiky� & Naraku-1150 viewsI hate them (most specially Kiky�). That's why I can imagine them like a couple ! ^^
Mai.jpg 698x545(77KB) May-1737 viewsMay for the monk Miroku !
Mars.jpg 680x577(87KB) March-2100 viewsMarch for the death miko Kiky� ! (~_~')
Novembre.jpg 698x577(84KB) November-1518 viewsNovember for the devil hany� Naraku ! (~_~")
Octobre.jpg 696x579(90KB) October-2080 viewsOctober for the Inuyasha's devils !
Hiten and Manten !
Yura !
Mukadejoro !
. . .
Sessh�maru 24.jpg 848x595(77KB) Sessh�maru-1162 viewsMy favorite character in all of the mangas ! Beautiful !
I love him ! ^///^
We are married and we have twin sister hany� : Amaya et Ayaka ! ^^