annoying.jpg 640x480(48KB) Annoying-2662 viewsSometimes Yoko thinks Naruto is annoying
family-tree.jpg 640x480(44KB) Family Tree-2969 viewsYoko's family tree. Her father, Jiraiya, her mother, Suteru, and Yoko. I wanna make moreof these. This was fun :B XD
jiraiya-and-yoko.jpg 500x382(44KB) 2358 viewsYoko got hurt in the fight. Not was her body wounded but also her ego was wounded. Poor Yoko. But daddy's there so he can help her.
my-child....jpg 490x375(34KB) Suteru and Yoko's Head-1172 viewsSupposed to be Suteru accidentally ran into Yoko when she was a child and Suteru can't believe it's actually Yoko.
suteru.jpg 640x480(37KB) Suteru, Yoko's Mom-1704 views
yoko-mom-idea.jpg 490x375(29KB) Suteru-1173 viewsYoko's mother Suteru. She left Yoko and Jiraiya when she (Yoko) was still just a baby. Her name literally means "to abandon". She's mean.
yoko-not-done-yet.jpg 500x382(43KB) Yoko-7409 viewsJust Yoko. I guess she's fighting with daddy, Naruto, Tsunade and Shizune against Orochimaru and Kabuto. I don't know yet :] Maybe it's just practice.
yoko-writing-her-own-icha-i.jpg 500x382(38KB) Oh boy-3152 viewsYoko was influenced so much by daddy she's actually got her own Icha Icha written called Icha Icha Bliss. (totally made up)
Jiraiya: You wrote an intire Icha Icha book?
Yoko: Would you expect any less of me?
Jiraiya: That's my girl! I'm so proud!
yokogai.jpg 700x700(53KB) YokoGai-1233 viewsKinda creepy and yet kinda cute. I like 'em. XD
yondaime-and-yoko.png 432x506(303KB) Yondy and Yoko-1544 viewsYoko when she was younger and he sensei (kinda) Yondaime or the 4th Hokage. Nothing more to say.