At_Peace.jpg 600x545(48KB) At Peace-1777 viewsKikyo has finally found peace...
Black_Hair_Flowers.jpg 539x373(83KB) Cherry Blossoms-4024 viewsThis is like my other "Lollipop" pick. The face and hair are pretty much identical.
Blonde_Bomb.jpg 596x600(105KB) The Blonde Bomb-4910 viewsIt's like the energizer bunny. Anime girl style.
Brown_hair_Lollipop.jpg 350x400(39KB) Brown Haired Lollipop-5456 viewsThe girl is eating a lollipop! I also have a pic like this one...
Call_Ypon_Water.jpg 464x640(154KB) Call Ypon Water-3100 viewsThis is Ypon, a water sorceress. She loves to flood villages and stealing from the wealthy is her hobby! ^ ^
catgirls.jpg 661x900(392KB) Two Cat Girls-5494 viewsSo many people are fans of cat girls.... I'm not a big fan but oh well...
Come_Here.jpg 500x698(77KB) Come Here-4530 viewsThe red-head flirt is wanting the guys to come to her...
Dark_Snow.jpg 672x504(139KB) Dark Snow-3268 viewsI have decided to name this character Nokimis Dysis! It's wierd but oh well I like the name! It's dark and mysterious >.>.
ermimdoingmywork.jpg 480x360(33KB) Please, I'm Doing My Work-3190 viewsDon't enter without knocking... See? You made her distracted!
Good_is_Good.jpg 640x480(241KB) Good is Good-3226 viewsGood is good and Bad is bad. This person reminds me of the "good".
Grey_Rain.jpg 640x480(95KB) Grey Rain-9745 viewsI love grey haired anime girls =) So I had to get this one!
heysis2pz.jpg 500x800(172KB) Hey Sis-3917 viewsI like how similar they are except the color of headphones =)
imhappynow.jpg 320x399(45KB) I'm Happy Now-4554 viewsShe's smiling, sweet isn't it? Post comments for her and she'll be even more happy!
imwatchingyou.jpg 500x707(84KB) I'm Watching You-4413 viewsShe's watching you... Everywhere you go she'll follow you.... Scary huh? But she looks nice.... in a way.
Kikyo_Flowers.jpg 500x392(46KB) Kikyo's Flowers-4856 viewsKikyo! A fiery priestess now rises to the top to gain power! XD
Lumina.jpg 1098x1000(131KB) Lumina The High Priestess-4178 viewsLumina is the High Priestess in the game Stella Deus! ^ ^ I think she is so cool! I don't play stella Deus but still I do some cool game character research! ^ ^
Mistifying_Mermaid.jpg 612x900(68KB) Mistifying Mermaid-2660 viewsThis mermaid mistifies, and mesmeries' all who see her.
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