Ino Vector2.jpg 413x363(47KB) Ino Vector 2-2503 viewsonce again if you edit this plz give me credit.
InoVector.jpg 512x384(37KB) Ino Vector-1266 viewsIf you use this plz give me credit!!
the head is a little mis shaped but it still came out good
Sakura.jpg 480x360(45KB) Sakura-20055 views^^ here you go Akemi-chan! the orig picture
SakuraXSasukeRenderbyOnyx.jpg 600x450(47KB) Sasuke and Sakura render-19772 viewsyou may edit over this provided you give me credit even so if you don't or try to clam it as your own IT is water marked. I do take request just tell me who want the render to be off.
Sasuke sakura redner2by onyx.jpg 640x443(62KB) sasuke and sakura render 2-25649 viewsI really like the wauy this one came out ^^ anyway feel free to edit over just give me credit and if you try to steal this has been water marked anyway.