onyx-sexxy x3.png 659x623(177KB) Onyx-5108 viewsonyx just being onyx
i wanted this to be a hott pic but to me it came out smexxi x3 lol.
but yea its just onyx being onyx ;)
onyx.PNG 319x450(139KB) Onyx-10428 viewsThe Gem Planet�. Those Whom Are To Be Named After Gems
This is Onyx he�s 14 :3 but he�s got a horrible attitude =.=
His name is onyx cuz that is his stone :3
On the gem planet one of many planets unknown to the humans, the �younglings� are named after a gem there are very few �younglings� becuz no two have the same gem stone.
Youngling is what they call these creatures when they r less then a hundred,
Onyx appears to look human becuz he�s on planet earth lyk us but normally he looks more like a demon
This story has about 1 or 2 openings for ppl x3 especially the main girl ;) x3, Onyx defiantly needs someone to put him in place XD
So yea 2 openings for 2 ppl :3
p.s. he�s a very strong and manipulative ninja his skills r very well rounded
(this isn�t his real outfit or hair these r just temporary-colors r right)
onyx_s profile x3.png 1373x751(717KB) Onyx profile-33486 viewsthe red is his answers and teh blue r my comments about things XD
yea i got lazy and only put one pic and wasnt a new pic oh well XD