fall.PNG 579x390(138KB) 200 viewsidk her headband got nocked off in a fight I guess x]
but anyway she only wears her headband when she's not in Suna :3
hm.PNG 508x387(300KB) Mayumi worried-226 viewssomeone probally got hurt :O
May.PNG 563x721(587KB) Mayumi Sasumu-589 viewsMay is able to sense chakra at will and can follow enimies with ease she dosn't look it but she's a dedicated ninja and she's very proud to be from Suna. she Idolizes Temari and thinks of her as an idol because Temari is independent and feirce ;D Mayumi is on the quiet side but is traning with Temari and slowly becoming more outgoing,
She's 13 :3
May2.PNG 477x374(204KB) 62 viewsMay talking to Temari and she's shocked because Temari's telling her about what Garra was like as a kid
May3.PNG 470x357(251KB) 470 viewsMayumi and Temari in the woods somewhere just relaxing and talking when Mayumi senses a strange chakra and the wind blows
Mayumi mad.PNG 592x397(489KB) 30 viewsMayumi's mad xD she's fighting someone and the blue stuff floating around her is her chakra which is only visible in the picture cause we can see it
Mayumi young crying.PNG 829x745(170KB) 679 viewsWhen May was seven her mom was killed by a lower level demon and her mom [Asakura] died protecting Mayumi from it, Mayumi's father left her mom when he found out Asakura was pregnant and after she died Mayumi was sent to an orphanage and got "adopted" bt Temari who acts as her mom and teacher,
But anyway her mom dying is the reason she's so afraid of Ayumu and why she flinches so much. anyway the above picture is when May ran away before her mom got killed because her mom told her too and May stopped in a alley and kneeled down crying on a side note I made this out of Tsunade belive it or not xD
sad.PNG 411x316(110KB) 179 viewsShe thinking about her mom who died.
small smile.PNG 507x376(224KB) 895 views>:D I edited this out of Rin :D [[Insanley happy about kakashi gaiiden being out cause I ADORE Rin]] I changed allot though o.e
Thankyou.PNG 542x399(92KB) 389 viewsAfter a fight with two rouge ninja Ayumu kinda save May soo she hugged him :D