1~1.jpg 451x599(72KB) Group-2470 viewsyeah, the girls in white and guys in black...but why is Nokoru in white?
2~0.jpg 433x586(65KB) Sakura and Chii-2406 viewsone of the most wallpaper-ized Clamp combos
3.jpg 517x500(86KB) Ruins Buddies-2147 viewsyes, the perfect photoshoot location--a desolate city
4.jpg 470x470(100KB) Cherry Blossoms-2196 viewsa bit nicer
5.jpg 400x300(40KB) Festival!-2042 viewsshrine-wear makes everything better
6.jpg 505x321(49KB) What is Going on Here...-2787 viewsseriously?
7.jpg 286x553(41KB) Cooking Lessons?-1429 viewsjust..don't...bother...sigh
8.jpg 480x360(125KB) Huh...-859 viewswhere's Akira--oh, right. Poor Fuu.
9.jpg 800x640(550KB) Big Group-1424 views"precious edition" whatever that means