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Aya and Yukari.PNG

Aya and Yukari.PNG
Aya and Yukari-383 viewsI was bored and stayed home todayy. :o1 comments

1635 viewsAge: 18

When Aya becomes a jonin she joins a group of people called the Arasoi
The people in the group get personified with a mythical creature after they're first kill under the orginizations name. The Arasoi is kind of like a vigilante Anbu Black opps, very secretive and Loyal to their leader Nirro.
Aya is symbollically a Dragon because they are bolth Honest, sensitive, fearless, and brave.

786 viewsShinju...Babysitting the kids? o.e
and he's smiling? Whatthefuck? ;D

995 viewsHiro's training even though he is really sick, Aya went to go find him before their parents figured out where he is, He's training with his bestfriend Hiro and being a typical over the top person as usual. Aya watches being the usual worried sister.
I'm going to put them at age 14/15 here.

4985 viewsAya has bad nightmares when she dosn't time travel in her sleep, it often keeps her up at night or she wakes up crying or screaming she cannot however remember these dreams146 comments

178 views5 comments
Sei nervous.PNG

Sei nervous.PNG
8263 viewsSomeone is trying to talk to Sei, he kinda clams up when talking to people he dosn't know he would come off antisocial if it wasn't for his tiny apperance.476 comments

Seiitsu-1006 viewsSei chann :D
He's A year and a half younger then the twins (In this picture he's six)
When he is younger he's a bright cheerful little boy and loves following Anzu around and thinks of his Dad as an idol he's considered a "perfect" little boy but he's got a bit of an advanced formof the weak heart that Masa has so Sei get's babied as he grows up by his family but he always pushes himself harder then the normal kids just to try and prove himself, his hair get's darker as he get's older too.

Sei<3-517 viewsSei is one year younger then the twins and Masa and Aya.
Age: 13
Height: 5-3 [shortt like meeD:]
Weight: 96 pounds [He's tiny .-.]
Personality: Quiet but not shy, a perfectionist,Sweet but easily taken advantage of. he dosn't really fit in with his famliy besides Anzu. Aya is too teasing and it gets to him even though she babies him. He is intimidated by Masa and dosn't want to dissapoint him, and Hiro is too antisocial for Sei's likeing.
He's got a very weak heart which is the reason for his very small size, and he's Bi but very almost shy about it
Untitled 1.jpg

Untitled 1.jpg
357 views�A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.�


This was accident, let me get that out of the way, I was painting and I had taped the paper to the wall because my easel is broken, my Mom opened my door and it slammed into me knocking me into the paint face first. After having a screaming match with her I went downstairs and looked in the mirror and got an Idea, I went back to my room and added some more paint to the right side of my face and flecked some more black paint on my left side, Simply thinking of getting a somewhat cool picture then I began to think again,

I adore Gandhi�s quotes, and the one written up there is written on one of my walls, I always found it meaning something of great value.

And this is my thought;

The human race whether people admit it or not is intensely judgmental for the most simple things,It should not matter whether a man or woman is Black or White, Gay, Straight or Bi. A college graduate or a young kindergartner. No human being should be judged based on who they are because who you are is breathtaking.
Yukari cry.PNG

Yukari cry.PNG
6417 viewsHiro was trying to talk to her about trying to remember and she wouldn't so he got frustrated and kinda snapped at her That is what happened ^515 comments
Yukari nervous.png

Yukari nervous.png
687 views66 comments

Yukari Izqueida-675 viewsYukari is a rain village ninja that get's found by the twins knocked out, they take her home to try and see if Anzu and Masa can do anything.
Yuka got her memory erased by her family's head because her parents went off and killed members of the family and the head didn't have the heart to kill her.
In her kunai pouch is a note with her First and a fake last name, Age,and D.O.B.
13 pictures on 1 page(s)

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