163664.jpg 595x511(146KB) Inu Kag-26718 viewshehe Inuyasha's looking really good!
Fanart15.jpg 800x600(237KB) Lats dance-9137 viewsDance wifh me!!
inuka01.jpg 400x573(91KB) WaterFall-7510 viewsI think there by a waterfall but im not to sure..
inukago.jpg 700x550(99KB) Inu Kag 1-7643 viewsI love this pic, I think it is so cute!
inukago16.jpg 600x564(90KB) Cheeck-11641 viewsKissing him on the cheek
iy_groups131.png 562x425(298KB) Inu and Kikyou-5470 viewsI dont really like Kikyou but I do like this pic...
sunday39.jpg 650x527(88KB) Group 1-5244 viewsI have no clue what they are doing..