fu.jpg 244x644(25KB) Sajin meets sailor moon-1480 views*blinks* its an attempt at a crossing of sailor moon and dbz i call her...sailor sajin!! (its what happens when i get bored ><:: )
fubawooba.jpg 710x940(94KB) battle armor-545 viewsthis is a design for battle armor and stuffish...not too great
fuuu!.jpg 510x531(54KB) Marie and Acamori-585 viewsits a picture that i drew of my boyfriend and me (who likes furries...go figure)
muu!.jpg 564x1089(97KB) experiment with colors-458 viewsthis is an experiment with my new marker thingies
muu2.jpg 323x488(29KB) goth lady-654 viewsthis is absolutely my FAVORITE one i've done so far. its a picture of a goth girl with colored hair..i <3 it very much!