Bain_s Frist sketch.jpg 3333x2220(530KB) GraveYard-377 viewsThis was my first sketch of bain he has changed a lot huh?
Bane.jpg 452x505(40KB) Bain-744 viewsBain After War
Battles over.jpg 1116x2424(209KB) Battles over-276 viewsTerrents in Street clothes
Below the Stress.jpg 508x642(96KB) Below the Stress-475 viewsThis is Terrents After his First Girl Friend Dies
Cureless small.JPG 702x510(93KB) Cureless-394 viewsBain when he lookings into the lake in chapter 2 of my sory please leave a comment
Ember.jpg 2550x3510(422KB) Ember-370 viewsPhoenix Fang Version 2
Faint.jpg 498x616(103KB) Faint-165 viewsThis is one of my better sketches, so much that i used color for once plz comment and rate :)
For Just One Thing.jpg 477x558(52KB) For Just One Thing-270 viewsTerrents weilding Halo AKA the Golden Dragon's Fang
Full Armerd.JPG 490x653(62KB) Full Armerd-852 viewsBain just before going into battle
Head of the Jet.jpg 2537x3080(822KB) Head of the Jet-2500 viewsThis is the Jet leader im still working on who gets to fight him and how. looks bad ass thought right?
Jet Ninja.jpg 2184x1725(288KB) Jet Ninja-266 viewsA normal Jet ninja, if you really can call the Jet normal
Kindly.jpg 596x1350(85KB) Kindly-338 viewsMy friends Dared me to drew a girl so as you can see i need some more pratice its not that bad thought huh?
Neckgaw.jpg 2550x3510(505KB) Neckgaw-266 viewsThis is a cool sketch i made im not sure if it will be in the book
Pheonix Fang.jpg 2182x2512(488KB) Phonix Fang-716 viewseven if in the book Bain him wearing his hood up and useing the Phonix Fan (working title) i never seem to draw it
Revengfull Desire, small.JPG 472x614(89KB) Revengfull Disizre-540 viewsBain when he breakes out of his cell after 10 days or torcher please leave comment
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