03a3548a.jpg 500x373(18KB) The first duel of the finals...-1260 viewsBakura:I assure you yugi, your first duel of the finals will also be your last...
(yeah I'm sure)
Bakura:Who asked you?!
0c970407~0.jpg 500x373(16KB) Yugi's in twouble.-1222 viewsHe's goin' up against the relentless Bakura...sooo hooott bakura is!
1148856826_IMEpics237.jpg 352x269(11KB) Gimme Bakura!!-696 viewsOk I'll admit it! I'm a Bakura addict, can I have the Bakura now?!
121.jpg 420x463(29KB) Bakura-1614 viewsI was surfing the internet like usual when I can across a Bakura background...Naturally I started drooling and saved it for jurther examination(you know what I mean)0}:-)
1260078d.jpg 500x373(19KB) He's pointing at you-1190 viewsBakura:Back off...I'm Amaya's boytoy!!!
Amaya:::Sighs dreamily::Sorry Bakura fangirls...He's completely taken!
1darkbakura2.jpg 384x311(15KB) Lonely hotness-1061 viewsBakura walking alone at night? You'd think with his looks he'd have girls flocking him...I'LL WALK WITH YOU, BAKURA!!
1darkbakura9.jpg 258x198(7KB) It's glowing!!-1005 viewsCool...He's hot and his jewelry glows in the dark::hint of sarcasm::
23b537a1.jpg 500x363(17KB) Haha, I get the big chair!-1386 viewsYes it's Bakura in all his extremely evil, excessively hot glory...::bakc off all of you he belongs to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::
46ec84ca.jpg 500x373(19KB) Bakura You're so evil-1286 viewsBakura: Stop that I'm blushing...
Amaya:It is the truth...but I wouldn't consider it a compliment.
Bakura:Sigh. Can I still have a hug?
470b1ad0.jpg 500x363(21KB) Sands of time-977 viewsCorny sounding for such utter hotness I know, but I'm runnign outta titles.
4b7b11a6.jpg 500x363(22KB) The all seeing Bakura eye ball-973 viewsHe sees you...he knows what your up to...he's running away...Oh...he's running to me! Sorry pplz, guess he likes me more than you!
655dc79e.jpg 500x323(21KB) Heehee-654 viewsHe's lost it...or he stuck his finger in an electrical socket(the second one is more unlikely)
6943bcc9.jpg 500x363(21KB) grin-833 viewsI almost don't wanna know what he's thinking...
(Amaya+no clothes+me=Bigger Grin)
83x96.jpg 640x480(28KB) See my deul disk?-1627 viewsOh yes Bakura your deul disk is very nice. But not as FINE as you@_@::wolf whistle frome the audience:: Screw off get your own Yami Bakura!!!!
97e721bd.jpg 500x373(19KB) yum-897 viewsYummy Bakura (not Yami Bakura...YUMMY bakura)
a416b61b.jpg 500x363(21KB) Come here-982 viewsYou can have Bakura...but only over my dead body:) Sorry guys I WONT die!!!
abc4fe56.jpg 500x373(18KB) Yet More Bakura-1651 viewsMore...Bakura? YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAY!!!!!!!!!!
ae8859c2.jpg 500x363(23KB) looky what I got...-644 viewsI-i-it's a card! Bakura where's my Dark Eraticator Warlock?
b42.jpg 503x500(25KB) Laughing at you-1178 viewsYou:Bakura you're coming with me! You're MINE!
Bakura:WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA(translation-I laugh at you and your stupid plan!)
bakubase2.jpg 332x250(13KB) Bakura again-967 viewsSoo...hot...must...stay..consiencious...can't...faint...from...hotness!::pass out::...no!
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