234234.jpg 1678x2198(2189KB) Lakira-963 viewsOnce again, I found the urge to draw Lakira-chan.
She's kewlio... yes?
Or no.... as some people say to me a lot.
At least that's what I think they say... I usually just hear them saying 'hemma hemma hem hem'.
23423v423.jpg 611x1768(546KB) Kumakichi-562 viewsThis character is based on one of my friends...
He's hyper all the time, smart, funny, and so mature he's immature... He's also kind and aware of other people's feelings, which is rare in a boy... yes??
I though Kumakichi would be a perfect name for him. I couldn't get over it....
Kumakichi Kumakichi Kumakichi :|
34.jpg 1570x2083(2232KB) Haru-1369 viewsThis is one of my favorite characters... Haru!!!
He is a fallen angel, and is probably the sweetest, most beautiful guys you will NEVER meet!!! He's more of a pretty boy when he's older, though. He's only 8 in this picture.
3424.jpg 1180x1400(946KB) This is Lakira... or Kiki...-2333 viewsWell, she's my third character, and represents me when I was in 5th grade. I thought I was a cat... god knows why... so I invented a neko girl and called her Lakira, Kiki for short.
Oh, and I STILL think I'm a cat. Just don't prove it as often as I used to....
4.jpg 1678x2192(2566KB) Maria Katiana-860 viewsThis is my absolute first made up character I have ever invented COMPLETELY on my own...
Yes, I created her when I was about 6.
Ed.jpg 1416x1920(1717KB) Fanart.... Ed-2116 viewsOkay.... I think he isn't that great, considering it took me a long time to draw him. Oh well... I'll get better SOME DAY
Evil Hottie.jpg 1835x1678(1391KB) Evil Hottie-464 viewsOkay, I think he's cool... so I don't care if people think he's badly drawn!!!!! Evil Hottie is a title that suits him
KIKI.jpg 964x1732(1445KB) Lakira, a made-up girl-1604 views"Sigh" I think she's is cute, and so happy looking. Yet, people say she's ugly and tell me I am bad at drawing. Well, maybe I am...
But, anyway... This is Lakira, Kiko for short... Notice her hat has a 'cat ear' shape to it... that's because she has large, black kitty ears, hiding underneath. She is an Earth Manipulator...... so she has goggles.
MariaKatiana-1.jpg 350x521(136KB) Maria Katiana-485 viewsI like the rose detail. But otherwise, she's kind of weird.... oh, what the heck.
I love it.
Shino.jpg 2184x1672(1273KB) Shino-644 viewsThis is Shino, my favorite made-up.