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Search results - "Anyone"


did i get it right>?did i get ur character right this time UryuushidaLover00? i wondered how to make akashi so i tried again. is it right this time/?

random sakura editidk i waz just s000000 bored so i made this if anyone wants her, u can have her.

once again.....random sakura editidk i waz bored ONCE AGAIN and since suzuka-chan and UryuushidaLover00 liked my other one so much i decideed to make another one. if anyone wants her, take her i don't care.^^
Code Geass.jpg

Code Geass.jpg
Lelouch!Mmmmm... Lelouch is my favourite character... I love his eyes *o*

teru-yuki/sadin this pic yuki sad abouts something idk yet i need help so if AAA or anyone could help me out plzz help me out XD im somnolent(tired)
and i need help with it but anyways terus embracing him x3 and it looks so cute but yea enjoy

Masahikothis is masahiko if it wasnt obvious*points to his naem written several times* btu yea X3 hw used to be best friend with Taji and he is the only son of somebody >.> <.< he doesnt tell anyone his name when hes in his hoodie if he with his parents only then does he tell his full anme which u'll have to guess at XD he looks lyk his dad sand that should help and to those of u who know who his oarent are keep ur mouth shut but if i havent told u feel free to guess
p.s. hes only 14 ^.^

Anyone WannaIts ok if u dont want to xD

RequestYou can have any crazy bg u want anu u pic the colurs xD

ElaraWell you know how in Naruto its Japanese right?
Well what happens when they all go to the mesterious land of "America"???

Their are ninjas here just like in Konaha but all the people's names are weird xD

This is Elara, Shes a head strong ninja that can do almost anything, and almost BEAT anyone at doing anything!
0o0 will she be able to beat Naruto in a ramen eating contest?

p.s. I had to put a leaf on her heasband but its usually just 3 circles intertwined.
p.s.s. Almost anyone can join! ^^
9 pictures on 1 page(s)

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