TGB.jpg 1275x1700(336KB) My HollowThis is what I would look like if I were to turn into a hollow. I have no idea why I created it but it was weird. I can't draw!!!! WAAAAA! But anyway feel free to comment. Bad or good IDK.
stupid Dean Sabryna.JPG 639x402(112KB) Baka Dean"Stupid Dean..." Sabryna muttered, snapping shut her cellphone with a sigh.
Sabryna with her phone, ending her call with Dean. Edited from a girl from Lucky Star. What was her name? oO
Rini outside..png 638x479(167KB) Rini Kuzimaa Heres Rini :D
Shes one of my RPC's :3
Shes my fave right now :p http://www.youtube.com/user/miki1451?feature=mhee#p/f/1/2W3u5yXt9Zc
My youtube x3
Oto-chaa.png 328x473(108KB) Otohikoshes actually rinis twin, but like... they dont look like now but they did when they were younger
otohiko is also my rpc and stuff, shes neko, has split personality etc.