dirtypair_2_800[2]3.JPG 861x795(131KB) Blossom BlissOk I edit this pic and put it on a site as a digitsl design...they seemed to like it so I hope people like it on this site...
yoko-writing-her-own-icha-i.jpg 500x382(38KB) Oh boyYoko was influenced so much by daddy she's actually got her own Icha Icha written called Icha Icha Bliss. (totally made up)
Jiraiya: You wrote an intire Icha Icha book?
Yoko: Would you expect any less of me?
Jiraiya: That's my girl! I'm so proud!
mitsukaifrom deathbyglitter.jpg 637x480(28KB) Mitsukai WondersShe just met Sasuke Uchiha and thinks she's in love. She's gazing at the stars and is trying to see if they're giving her some sort of sign that she is destined to be his girlfriend. OTHER SASUKE FAN-GIRLS STAY AWAY AND DON'T FLAME!!!!!
Elda in the sky.jpg 337x507(131KB) Chii in blissShe looks like she's in absolute bliss. I wonder how safe it is up that high, and in a nightgown.