miaowfinal.jpg 800x720(129KB) MinouYay! Another attempt at coloring something with good-for-nothing paint shop pro!
ravensphynx1~0.jpg 600x800(107KB) Raven (Sphynx)This is the concept art for the RP Character Raven aka Sphynx. Raven/Sphynx is Tri-chan's character but I took it upon myself to do his first picture. And I like how it turned out. When Raven was five his parents turned him over to scientists to try and cure his disease. They found a cure but it mutated him into a mix between human and cat. Then told his parents that he was killed. GEMCO calls Raven Sphynx. GEMCO kept Sphynx and uses him to do their bidding. Like Wren, Spynx only stays for Loki and Fihero.
Paocolor.jpg 536x820(104KB) Pao Concept ArtworkPao is another of my story characters. He is a young male feline (whit in color obviously). He was bought by Enkil and his mother Oriana whom are part of a human resistance against their King Marius. (in other words they love and adore nekos and go against Marius' views on them) Pao is a happy but often brash and sarcastic youth whom always does his best when he sets his mind to something. He's not afraid of getting in a fight (atleast thats what he claims...)
twinscolor.jpg 663x874(148KB) The Twins (Yuki and Kabal)A colored version of the twins Yuki and Kabal. Can't tell you much more then that.
Issuncolor.jpg 868x1182(339KB) IssunIssun is a character that belongs to a friend of mine on aim. I was supposed to draw this months ago but I just couldn't find what I liked. However I am really proud with his Issun turned out, even if his face does look like Yashi's (Pet name for Inuyasha incase you didn't get it). Anyway I hope you enjoy this picture.
MyFamily.JPG 847x1175(174KB) My FamilyA cute picture of Luna before she turned all masculine. When Luna was little she was a happy little girly girl. However everything she tried (Piano, ballet, acting, ect.) she was unable to get the attention of her father. At the age of seven Luna descided to become the boy her father wanted and told him she wanted to learn how to fight. By trading her femeninity for masculinity she was able to get the attention of her father. Something she desperatly wanted, however this had drastic long term effects.
Picture 931.jpg 150x308(14KB) Crazy SchrodingerSchr�dinger with a crazy look upon his face!
Ryan.JPG 749x1126(214KB) RyanRyan is a new character I just got to. In the story he was xander aka Cyrus' slave before a tragic event happened that caused him to loose his memory.
IsisAdrian1.JPG 662x905(121KB) Isis and AdrianA picture I've had in my sketchbook for a while. I finally got his nose and eyes the way I like. Anyway these are Luna's parents, Isis and Adrian. Unfortunatly though the two are married they don't particularly care for one another. Their marriage was arranged and not by the own choice. Afrian's love has always been Caliden's sister Faith whom was killed. Adrian was blamed for her murder.
IsaakToumas.jpg 505x799(71KB) Isaak and TuomasTuomas took Isaak away from his Master after challenging Ares to a Dham Ra. He dipped his claws in silverweed and stabbed the vampire. Rendering him helpless as he took his new prize. While imprisoned and tortured by Tuomas he met a worren by the name of Tsuki. She helped him to escape and was killed by Tuomas for that act. However Ares went back and challenged Tuomas again. This time Ares was the victor and he took back Isaak with a tearful reunion between the two.
IMG_0001.jpg 1780x3264(1905KB) Commission for MM3000A commission I did for a member of the YuGiOh Abridged Website. I didnt put his whole screen name for a reaason. I colored this in with colored pencil since my cg program won't work on Vista.
Asato.jpg 500x375(58KB) Asato from Lamentorate and comment pls ^-^
arbook17.jpg 597x800(156KB) Konoe and Asatorate and comment pls
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