lupinorder-1.jpg 200x125(7KB) Zenigata in an apronHow cute! from "Voyage to Danger"
Mary listen her parrents in secret.jpg 720x540(130KB) Mary listen her parrents who talking about herMom:We must abbandon her...Shes dangerous!!
Father: Why shes dangerous???!!!
Mom: 'Cause she was born with a demon shes a danger for our family!!!!!
Mary: Ukasa (is mean "mom" in japanese :D)......
Mary talking with her demon abut her family.jpg 640x480(114KB) Mary talking with her demon about her familyDemon:Your parrents hates you
Mary: What??Noo!!!
Demon: Ohhh....Yes!!!Come to my way !
Demon:ok....I get out of here to revenge you!!!