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Search results - "Dash"

Dash 01.JPG

Dash 01.JPG
Dash 01
Dash 02.JPG

Dash 02.JPG
Dash 02
Dash 03.JPG

Dash 03.JPG
Dash 03
Dash 04.JPG

Dash 04.JPG
Dash 04
Dash 05.JPG

Dash 05.JPG
Dash 05
Dash 06.JPG

Dash 06.JPG
Dash 06
Dash 07.JPG

Dash 07.JPG
Dash 07
Dash 08.JPG

Dash 08.JPG
Dash 08

Sakura and Miss MakanziSakura's wearing the costume Madison made for her when she was capturing the Dash card and Miss makanzi.

Ilan DashName: Ilan Dash
Age: 13
Rank: Genin
Parents: Masaho Dash (died in war) and Kari Dash (both OCC's)

Ilan's mother was natural from Konoha, but moved to a non-ninja village to marry Masaho. When he died on an attack to their village, she moved to her home town so Ilan could become a ninja and deffend himself. Ilan is proud, intelligent, and sometimes seems cold and distant, to hide his soft side and avoid getting hurt. Ilan is fast as hell and has control over all Earth elements (rocks, plants, etc).
Kaminari Dash.jpg

Kaminari Dash.jpg
Kaminari DashName: Kaminari Ai Dash
Age: 13
Rank: Genin
Parents: (unknown father) and Hoshi Dash (OCC)

Kaminari is Ilan's cousin, being her mother the sister of Ilan's father. When Ilan's mother moved back to Konoha, Kaminari's mother came with her too, since she and Ilan were her last family.
Kaminari is kind, devoted, romantic but can be very serious and dangerous in battle. She uses mainly thunder based techniques and has also an extraordinary speed.
Please rate and comment! ^-^

Kaminari DashThis is Kaminari's looks for my 3 years time skip. She changed her hair, outfit and also mentality. She's stronger now and promised herself she wouldn't break down and be the weak link anymore. She still loves Kaneo and is willing to do anything to help him, as she learned a new jutsu that can repell a demon, to avoid that he gets posessed again. That jutsu cost her her right eye, reason why she uses her hair like this.
(I went back on her look a little)

Dash BaxterDash the bully from Danny Phantom XD
13 pictures on 1 page(s)

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