fukai.PNG 1018x783(43KB) Fukai ^w^he's lisa and kayla's younger brother ^^ i need to change this folder's name to lisa and family or something XD
fukakiki.PNG 372x390(11KB) Fukai and Kiki ^^Kiki needed a bf so here he is XD they look cute together </3
fukaisan.PNG 471x480(19KB) Shippuuden Fukaioh em gee he's hot XDD anywho let's pretend that lil fangirl outburst never happened ^^; he's 16 in shippuuden
Untitled.jpg 944x683(77KB) Aoi Fukai 01Aoi cuando ve al chiko del que esta enamorada sus ojos cambian a rosados, su color natural es morado con azul