boyfighter0002.jpg 400x546(200KB) SSJ2 Gohanthis is my first drawing i used my new color pencils on. kind of missed some spots but i was pleased by how the colors came out since i didn't really take my time coloring it.
chibi gohan.jpg 600x600(28KB) Gohan's Dorman Power!Gohan in his rage from the Saiya-jin Saga.
chibi gohan 2.jpg 500x496(55KB) Chibi Gohan With SwordChibi Gohan during his training in the gret outdoors.
father son.jpg 800x600(90KB) Goku and GohanA father/son image of Goku and Gohan.
gohan urm.jpg 480x370(29KB) Shocked GohanGohan in a shocked pose, he looks like he's been paralyzed or something.
gohanspirit.jpg 258x190(47KB) Gohan Handling A Spirit BombWhen the spirit bomb rebounds itself off Gohan in the Saiyan saga.
masenko.jpg 640x480(108KB) Gohan's MasenkoGohan's favoured move in the younger stages of his life, don't get me wrong, it's still a great move.
BigGohan.jpg 640x480(68KB) DBZ GroupGohan's pretty much my favorite character ever. so i decided to draw my favorite scene of him on a large drawing canvas. i couldnt scan it because the entire drawing is 18 x 24 so i had to take a picture of it. i hope everyone likes it.
my next one im working on is a tribute to character Naruto :)
gohan.jpg 1315x1242(161KB) gohanthis is my first manga drawing..
i began with pokemon. and ended op with anime..
i really was proud if it..
still it isn't bad i think..
hope you like