Hime Himeko.JPG 640x480(41KB) HimekoHimeko is a demon god stuck on earth. She lost all of her power and fights with a giant hammer. In order to get back to the demon relm, she must find the other liveing key. Himeko hides her demon ears so she won't stick out.
Naromi.JPG 640x480(23KB) NaromiNaromi is soft spoken and hates to fight. Naruto found the unconscious and bleeding Naromi while he was training. He took her to Tsunade, who healed her. Naromi now lives in konoha. She is determend to repay the friends who helped her.
Mission.jpg 639x478(36KB) Naromi's first mission... No comment...
kin_sasuke.jpg 1276x480(81KB) twins(Girl) Himeko and her twin brother Dukoai
(princess^child) (poison^love)
Himeko is a total girly girl and is friends with Misa & Dukoai is emo he's best friends with Misa and has been since they were 8 he also gave Misa her necklace beause he said it matched her eyes
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