me.JPG 305x393(21KB) Me Kaeru YamanakaName: Kaeru Yamanaka (Kaeru means frog)
Age: 13
Height: 5"1'
Rank: chunin
Family: Ino is my sister so you can figer it out from there.
Attitude: nice, caring, proud to be who I am!
Well that is pretty much me! ^_^
me1.JPG 638x480(34KB) Me Kaeru YamanakaI'm hiding behind a bush in the Forest of Death. I had just excaped a giant snake without a cut on me and then I came across Neji (or so I think), he was talking with somebody. Then they....Kissed. (it wasn't Neji it was a Rain village guy using transformation jutsu but I don't know that)
Kaeru Naruto NEJI Kiba.JPG 600x399(42KB) Kiba Neji Naruto and KaeruIn this pic Neji, Naruto, Kiba, and I were on a mission and we were ambushed. We were already fight enemies from another village so now we are facing two foes. Maybe the enemies will fight each other so we can leave??
death of Kaeru.JPG 320x279(15KB) The Death of Kaeru As you can see, Kaeru has had a tragic accident with a rusty sword blade. Her funeral will be held Febuary 10, 1872 at 12:30 pm.
Sokka and Me.JPG 720x480(115KB) Sokka and KynamiJust something I tried. No, I won't tell you how I did it.
Kaeru with Neji and Nezume with Gaara.JPG 563x600(46KB) Kaeru Neji Nezume and GaaraUP in the corner is Kaeru (Keshia not Kaeru Hyuga..Sorry) and Neji {Their in love ♥} and in teh middle me and gaara.
Gaara: Why are you dancing Nezume?
Me: Because I'm HYPER!! *Spins a circle till I fall down*
Me and Neji: Retard.
Keshia.PNG 259x421(36KB) Keshia'sI made this for my sis cuz of the froggie.